

拼音 lettuce 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、How green is your organiclettuce?(你的有机生菜有多绿呢?)2、John: it's because I saw one on daddy'slettuce, but now it's gone.(约翰:...

1、How green is your organiclettuce?(你的有机生菜有多绿呢?)

2、John: it's because I saw one on daddy'slettuce, but now it's gone.(约翰:因为我看到爸爸的生菜里有一只,不过现在没了。)

3、lettuce was grown by the ancient Romans.(莴苣是由古罗马人种植的。)

4、For dinner, I usually eat one of the following: nori rolls, a big salad, sunflower seed pate,lettuce wraps, guacamole with raw chips, or zucchini pasta.(晚餐,我通常吃以下食品的其中一种:紫菜卷、大沙拉、葵花籽酱、生菜卷、生土豆片鳄梨色拉或者南瓜派。)

5、We had seen all the cucumbers, onions,lettuce, grapes, long potatoes, round potatoes and everything else.(我们看到了所有的黄瓜、洋葱、莴苣、葡萄、长土豆、圆土豆和其他东西。)

6、Wash 16lettuce leaves (such as butter or romaine) and set aside.(洗净的16片生菜叶子备用。)

7、How about this? This is a nice head oflettuce.(这个怎么样?这棵生菜不错。)

8、Think of purslane as a great alternative tolettuce: the leaves and stems are crisp, chewy, succulent, and they have a mild lemony taste.(把马齿苋想成是生菜的一个伟大的替代品:叶和茎是脆的、耐嚼、多汁,而且它们有淡淡的柠檬味。)

9、As I have learned from the e-mails I received from well-wishers, everyone seems to know someone who choked onlettuce, peanuts, bagels or, like me, chicken.(我从祝福者发来的电子邮件中了解到,好像每个人都认识一个被生菜、花生、百吉饼或像我一样被鸡肉呛到的人。)

10、Have you eatenlettuce before?(你吃过莴苣吗?)

11、lettuce, herbs, bok choi and kale can all be grown this way.(莴笋、药草、白菜和甘蓝都可以通过这种方式培养。)

12、Top part was dry and bland a bunch of drylettuce and dry grated mozarella, no sauce.(上面的部分是干的和无味的一堆干生菜和干磨碎的莫札雷拉奶酪,没有酱汁。)

13、You end up with dry and clean and nicelettuce.(干爽洁净好吃的生菜就完成了。)

14、So why does it feel like even thelettuce is out to get us?(那么为什么感觉甚至连莴苣都要加害我们呢?)

15、Don't toss that soggylettuce into the garbage.(不要把变软的生菜扔进垃圾箱。)

16、Clerk: Oh, it's next to thelettuce.(售货员:噢,在生菜旁边。)

17、Some assigned to thelettuce are not happy about it.(有些人被分配到洗生菜很不高兴。)

18、The salad consisted of a few leaves of sad-lookinglettuce.(色拉就是几片生菜的残叶。)

19、SOLUTION: You might as well eat a hamburger with a side oflettuce.(解决方案:你吃汉堡包时也加一片生菜叶吧。)

20、How Do You Cleanlettuce?(如何洗生菜?)

21、lettuce and cauliflower help to combat bronchitis.(莴苣和花椰菜也助于抵抗支气管炎。)

22、This is a nice head oflettuce.(这棵生菜不错。)

23、The scare has led puzzled officials to warn consumers off raw tomatoes, cucumbers,lettuce and sprouts.(恐慌使得困惑的官员警告消费者不要生吃西红柿,黄瓜,生菜和豆芽。)

24、Why does it feel like even thelettuce is out to get us?(为什么感觉甚至连莴苣都对我们不利呢?)

25、That is the same way that my grandmother dried thelettuce.(同时也是我,祖母甩干生菜的方法。)

26、lettuce reaches record high!(生菜价格创纪录!)

27、This isn't fresh.Don't you have any freshlettuce?(这个不新鲜,没有新鲜的生菜吗?)

28、Terry's reward: a silver cup - full oflettuce leaves.(特里得到一个装满生菜叶的银杯作为奖励。)

29、Does Tom likelettuce?(汤姆喜欢吃莴苣吗?)

lettuce 基本释义


英 [ˈletɪs] 美 [ˈlɛtəs] 



