1、So why were they sojubilant about the loan?(因此他们为什么对这笔贷款如此欣喜呢?)2、Indians call it "playing colors" ajubilant scrum of h...
1、So why were they sojubilant about the loan?(因此他们为什么对这笔贷款如此欣喜呢?)
2、Indians call it "playing colors" ajubilant scrum of horseplay and body painting.(印度人称此为“色彩的游戏”,一群人疯狂的,尽情的喧闹和人体彩绘。)
3、The team were greeted by thousands ofjubilant supporters.(该队受到了上千名欢欣鼓舞的支持者的欢迎。)
4、Fish were gathered here, wherejubilant.(鱼们在这里聚会、在这里欢腾。)
5、They surged through cheering and Shouting and were be met byjubilant West Berliners on the other side.(他们蜂拥而至,欢呼着、叫喊着,和在墙另一边同样欢呼雀跃的西柏林市民相见。)
6、Although Tom's ear tingled, his heart wasjubilant.(虽然汤姆的耳朵有点刺痛,但他的心却很高兴。)
7、And yet the mood of this exhausted country is far fromjubilant.(然而这个精疲力尽的国家其心情远谈不上高兴。)
8、Before his eyes was a sea ofjubilant people.(他眼前是一片欢腾的人海。)
9、They practised cautiously, after supper, with right fair success, and so they spent ajubilant evening.(晚饭后他们小心地练习,取得了不错的成绩,因此他们度过了一个欢乐的夜晚。)
10、This time Airbus isjubilant.(现在该是空客扬眉吐气了。)
11、They werejubilant with vanity over their new grandeur and the illustrious trouble they were making.(他们对自己的新光荣事迹和他们所制造的大麻烦洋洋得意,充满了虚荣心。)
12、Thejubilant mood of the characters' body language is reinforced by their facial expressions and captured in their eyes.(对人物的肢体语言欢乐的心情更加强了他们的面部表情和在他们眼中抓获。)
13、Suddenly, high above thejubilant roar and thunder of the revel, broke the clear peal of a bugle-note.(突然,在欢呼的咆哮声和响亮的狂欢声音之上,响起了大声清脆的号角声。)
14、In the CDU's headquarters, supporters werejubilant.(在基民盟总部,支持者们欢欣鼓舞。)
15、At recess Tom continued his flirtation with Amy withjubilant self-satisfaction.(休息的时候,汤姆继续同艾美调情,一副兴高采烈,心满意足的样子。)
16、The atmosphere was gilded andjubilant, in keeping with China's remarkable rags-to-riches tale of the last 30 years.(这个氛围金碧辉煌而又喜气洋洋,折射出中国过去30年从贫穷到暴富的非凡传奇的故事。)
17、These charming shades on dark side are ideal to accent thatjubilant formality while still appearing beautiful.(这些映在暗底上的魅影在彰显美丽的同时也可以浓化喜庆气氛,确实是个不错的主意。)
18、Even now there have been a few vile,jubilant voices among Japan's neighbours.(即便在现在这种情形下,在日本的邻国还是出现了某些无耻的幸灾乐祸之声。)
19、A loud roar erupted outside my apartment window.Across the city,jubilant fans poured into the streets to celebrate the victory.(我的窗外是一片人声鼎沸的海洋,在整座城市的每个角落,欢腾的球迷们涌上街道庆祝胜利。)
20、Ajubilant Peary wrote in his diary: "The Pole at last!"(皮尔利在他的日记里喜气洋洋地写道:“终于到达极点了!”)
21、Returning to the West Bank from New York, Abbas toldjubilant crowds that a "Palestinian Spring" has begun with the bid for statehood.(阿巴斯已经从纽约回到约旦河西岸,他对欣喜若狂的群众说,“巴勒斯坦的春天”在寻求建国下展开了。)
22、In one,jubilant opposition supporters believe they are finally witnessing the end of Colonel Gaddafi.(在其中一个,欢呼的反对派支持者相信他们最终见证了卡扎菲上校时代的结束。)
23、Grand Hotels comes to ICS studio to report the variousjubilant celebrations around the world for our readers.(而《大酒店》则来到ICS的摄影棚内,为读者们现场记录世界各地的欢快场面。)
jubilant 基本释义
英 [ˈdʒu:bɪlənt] 美 [ˈdʒubələnt]
副词: jubilantly 名词: jubilance