1、Iyell, Tyler's not home.(我冲她嚷着,泰勒不在。)2、Okay! Now you can allyell out together.(好,现在我们可以一起喊了。)3、Back off! There's no ne...
1、Iyell, Tyler's not home.(我冲她嚷着,泰勒不在。)
2、Okay! Now you can allyell out together.(好,现在我们可以一起喊了。)
3、Back off! There's no need toyell at me.(走开点!没必要对我大喊大叫。)
4、Every time your roommate walks inyell, "Hooray!"(每次你的室友进门时就叫喊道:“噢耶!”)
5、If youyell, "yes," and Iyell, "No," neither of us learns anything.(如果你喊“是”,我喊“不是”,我们都学不到什么。)
6、She likes toyell at me: "No, Daddy!"(她喜欢朝着我喊:“不,爸爸,不!”)
7、You walk down the street and peopleyell your name.(当走在街头时,有人大喊你的名字。)
8、I am Tyler Durden, Iyell.(我是泰勒歌顿,我吼道。)
9、I jumped to my feet and started toyell.(我跳了起来,开始大叫。)
10、"Please don'tyell at me." She began to sniffle.(“请不要对我大嚷大叫。”她开始啜泣起来。)
11、I heard somebodyyell.(我听到什么人大叫。)
12、Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when youyell, the name will carry.(你的孩子的名字要以元音结尾,这样当你喊他时,这样的名字会助你一臂之力。)
13、Mother: Mary, why do youyell and scream so much?(妈妈:玛丽,你为什么这样大喊大叫的?)
14、They curse at me andyell.(他们咒骂我并大喊大叫。)
15、Sometimes parents scream,yell, and use putdowns.(有时父母会尖叫,喊叫,和贬低。)
16、Something brushed past Bob's face and he let out ayell.(什么东西擦过了鲍勃的脸,他发出了一声大叫。)
17、He shouted, "Hoo-rah Minn-e-so-tah!" This was the first organized shout, or "yell".(他喊道:“Hoo-rahMinn-e-so-tah!”这是第一次有组织的喊叫,或者称为“呐喊”。)
18、Heryell sent nearby grouse running for cover.(她的喊声让附近的松鸡奔跑着四处躲藏。)
19、Iyell, go home!(我喊道,回家!)
20、Does heyell and scream?(他呐喊尖叫了?)
21、We talk to the men and try to change,yell at them to stop.(我们和男人交谈,试着改变,叫他们停下来。)
22、Theyyell and dance too.(他们又喊又跳。)
23、When you want to scream andyell, instead ITCH.(当你想要大喊大叫的时候,用渴望来替代。)
24、I can't hug him, or make his breakfast, oryell at him about walking on my carpets with his cleats or cheer for him at his games.(我无法拥抱他,或者给他做早餐,或者冲他嚷嚷不让他穿着钉鞋在我的地毯上踩来踩去,或者在赛场为他欢呼。)
25、For comparison, let's say you wanted to "jam" a conversation between two people—all you'd need to do isyell in the listener's ear.(作为比较,假设你想“干扰”两个人之间的一场对话——你所有需要做的就是对着听者的耳朵大喊。)
26、At a hundred he stared around him at the empty hillside, wondering if he shouldyell for help.(数到一百的时候,他环顾四周,看着空荡荡的山坡,不知道自己是否应该大喊救命。)
yell 基本释义
英 [jel] 美 [jɛl]
名词: yeller 过去式: yelled 过去分词: yelled 现在分词: yelling 第三人称单数: yells