in the wind的造句
1、The windows were rattlingin the wind.(风吹窗户格格发响。)2、The leaves are rustlingin the wind.(风吹树叶簌簌响。)3、The pines bowedin the...
1、The windows were rattlingin the wind.(风吹窗户格格发响。)
2、The leaves are rustlingin the wind.(风吹树叶簌簌响。)
3、The pines bowedin the wind.(松树被风吹弯了。)
4、The ship's sails belliedin the wind.(船帆在风中鼓得大大的。)
5、The sails swelled outin the wind.(船帆迎风鼓起。)
6、The washing has driedin the wind.(洗的衣服飕干了。)
7、We can tear apart the great grass cover of the western plains and pour toxic chemicals into the soil until the soil is dead and blows awayin the wind.(我们可以把西部平原上覆盖的大片草地撕开,然后把有毒的化学物质倒入土壤中,直到土壤枯死,被风吹走。)
8、A mobile may look simple as it shiftsin the wind, but it requires careful construction to work properly.(风铃随风摆动,这看上去可能很简单,但只有精心制造才能产生这种效果。)
9、Her hair whipped around her facein the wind.(她的头发随风在脸际飘拂。)
10、Scratch in the dirt for seeds and insects, cluck and cackle and fly just a few feet off the ground with wings thrashingin the wind.(在泥土中寻找种子和昆虫,咯咯地叫,在风中扑打着翅膀,只飞离地面几尺高。)
11、Leaves whirledin the wind.(落叶在风中旋转。)
12、Her skirt ballooned outin the wind.(她的裙子让风吹得鼓起来了。)
13、The leaves rustledin the wind.(那些树叶在风中沙沙作响。)
14、A window slammed shutin the wind.(风吹得一扇窗户咣地关上了。)
15、The trees creaked and groanedin the wind.(树在风中嘎吱作响。)
16、His long, uncovered hair flew backin the wind.(他那无遮盖的长发随风向后飞舞。)
17、Branches sway gentlyin the wind.(树枝在风中微微晃动。)
18、Branches were tossingin the wind.(树枝随风摇曳。)
19、In rural Maine, a disgruntled neighbor murders his enemy and turns him into a scarecrow, leaving him "drying slowly, slowlyin the wind".(在缅因州的乡下,一个心有愤恨的邻居杀死了他的敌人并把他变成了一个稻草人,让他“在风中慢慢地、慢慢地晾干”。)
20、The grapes were no other than gold coins which tinkled merrily as they swayedin the wind.(葡萄原来是金币,在风中摇来摇去,发出令人愉快的丁当声。)
21、You can imagine how they'd rattle and clatterin the wind and how they might completely capture your attention.(你可以想象,它们在风中会如何咔嗒作响,它们可能会吸引你的全部注意力。)
22、"Their main defense is basically hanging on the tree, looking like a twig," Brock said, "it will even swayin the wind."(布洛克说:“它们的主要自卫手段是装成树枝挂在树上,有时甚至还能随风摇摆。”)
23、The trees were swayingin the wind.(树在风中摇晃。)
24、One day, wind blew hard and trees shook from side to sidein the wind on her way home after school.(一天,在她放学回家的路上,风刮得很大,树在风中摇摆。)
25、You are the violet that wavesin the wind.(你是随风摇曳的紫罗兰。)
26、A rope is swingingin the wind.(一根绳子在风中摇晃。)
27、Have you ever seen a windsock blowingin the wind?(你见过风向袋在风中飘扬吗?)
28、The branches were swayingin the wind.(树枝在风中摇曳。)
29、Does it represent Yeats's own early cultural nationalism and the work representedin the wind Among the Reeds and other early poems?(它是否代表了叶芝自己早期的文化民族主义,以及在《风中芦苇》和其他早期诗歌中所代表的作品?)
30、She unbound her hair and let it flow loosein the wind.(她解开头绳,让头发在风里自由地飘。)
in the wind 基本释义
in the wind
英 [in ðə wind] 美 [ɪn ði wɪnd]