

拼音 navy 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、It includes marine force, air force,navy and army.(它包括海军陆战队、空军、海军和陆军。)2、She was dressed innavy blue.(她穿着深蓝色的衣服。)3、The...

1、It includes marine force, air force,navy and army.(它包括海军陆战队、空军、海军和陆军。)

2、She was dressed innavy blue.(她穿着深蓝色的衣服。)

3、The air force and thenavy retain their prohibition of women on air combat missions.(空军和海军都保留了对女性空中作战任务的禁止。)

4、Anavy medic was wounded by sniper fire.(一位海军军医被狙击手射伤了。)

5、Her own son was also in thenavy.(她自己的儿子也曾在海军里。)

6、He had formerly been in thenavy.(他以前在海军服役。)

7、His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation ofnavy security regulations.(他把机密文件放在家里,这最起码是违反了海军安全条例。)

8、When I was a fashion editor, I mostly wore white shirts and black ornavy trousers.(当时尚编辑的时候,我大多数时间穿白衬衫和黑色或深蓝色裤子。)

9、The head of thenavy heaped scorn on both the methods and motives of the conspirators.(这位海军首领对密谋分子的做法和动机都给予了极大的蔑视。)

10、I don't have the ramrod posture I had when I was in thenavy.(我现在没有当海军时那样笔直的身姿了。)

11、Banks spent his national service in the Royalnavy.(班克斯在皇家海军服过兵役。)

12、He opined that thenavy would have to start again from the beginning.(他认为海军将不得不再度从零开始。)

13、A captain in thenavy ranks above a captain in the army.(海军的captain(上校)军衔比陆军的captain(上尉)高。)

14、Thenavy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion.(在平息叛乱中海军起了有限但却重要的作用。)

15、There was very little snobbery or class consciousness in the wartimenavy.(在战时海军中,权势行为和等级意识十分少见。)

16、Her name and port of registration (Jersey) are painted on her transom innavy blue.(她的名字和注册港口被用深蓝色喷涂在船尾肋板上。)

17、Thenavy is to carry out an examination of the wreck tomorrow.(海军明天将会对失事船只作仔细检查。)

18、Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of thenavy.(迪基整整一顿饭都在讲海军的故事,让他厌烦。)

19、navy officers marched in lockstep to lay flowers at the base of the new monument.(海军官员们一个一个紧挨着在新的墓碑底座上放下了鲜花。)

20、During the war,navy ships were refitted here.(战争期间海军战舰曾在这里整修。)

21、They organized theirnavy on an English model.(他们仿效英国模式组建自己的海军。)

22、He listened to David Bright's racy stories about life in thenavy.(他听戴维·布赖特讲有关海军生活的生动有趣的故事。)

23、Thenavy is notifying next of kin now that the identities of the deceased have been determined.(死者的身份已得到确认,海军正在通知其最近的家属。)

24、Thenavy is to launch a new warship today.(海军今天有一艘新军舰要下水。)

25、I was dressed in a smartnavy blue suit.(我穿一身整洁的海军蓝制服。)

26、The revamp includes replacing the oldnavy uniform with a crisp blue and white cotton outfit.(改进的内容包括将旧海军制服换成清新的蓝白相间的棉套装。)

navy 基本释义


英 [ˈneɪvi] 美 [ˈnevi] 

名词复数: navies


