

拼音 glory 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、Suddenly she looked back and beheld suchglory as she had not even seen in her most vivid dream.(突然,她回过头来,看到了她在最生动的梦中也从...

1、Suddenly she looked back and beheld suchglory as she had not even seen in her most vivid dream.(突然,她回过头来,看到了她在最生动的梦中也从未见过的辉煌景象。)

2、She wanted to enjoy her moment ofglory.(她希望尽情享受自己的光荣时刻。)

3、The Romantics commemorated the leading painters and authors of their day, stressing the uniqueness of the artist's personal experience rather than publicglory.(浪漫主义是为了纪念那个时代的主要画家和作家,强调艺术家个人经历的独特性,而不是公众的荣耀。)

4、Splendor and majesty are before him; strength andglory are in his sanctuary.(尊荣和威严在他前面;力量与荣耀在他圣所里。)

5、Above all, he must dignify our desires, convince us that we are taking part in the making of great history, give us a sense ofglory about ourselves.(最重要的是,他必须使我们的欲望显得尊贵,使我们相信我们正在参与创造伟大的历史,给我们一种荣耀感。)

6、It's the guerdon, the reward and the prize of fame that we're continually anticipating will burst out someday in a sudden blaze ofglory.(我们一直期盼的奖赏、回报和名望,某天会突然迸发出荣耀的光芒。)

7、This beautiful old building has been restored to its formerglory.(这座美丽的老建筑物已恢复了昔日的壮观。)

8、There'd be a merry contrast betwixt myglory and my raiment!(我的荣誉和我的衣着之间的对比是令人愉快的!)

9、He would live forglory.(他将为荣耀而活。)

10、Columbus gets theglory of discovering America, but it's up to debate if he did discover it.(哥伦布获得了发现美洲的殊荣,但对于他是否真的发现美洲,人们仍然争论不休。)

11、The house has now been restored to its formerglory.(这栋房子又恢复了它往日的辉煌。)

12、What was a significant contributor to the pastglory of public schools?(公立学校过去辉煌的重要贡献是什么?)

13、You can do anything for theglory of God.(你可以为了神的荣耀做任何事情。)

14、Columbus went west to look for better trade routes to the Orient and to promote the greaterglory of Spain.(哥伦布西行是为了寻找通往东方更好的贸易路线,并宣扬西班牙更大的荣耀。)

15、Finally, when they got out their pipes and went serenely puffing around, the very summit ofglory was reached.(最后,当他们拿出烟斗,安静地抽着烟到处走的时候,荣耀的顶峰终于达到了。)

16、Walsham had his moment ofglory when he won a 20km race.(沃尔沙姆有过赢得20公里赛跑的光荣时刻。)

17、The city was spread out beneath us in all itsglory.(这座城市绚丽多彩地展现在我们下方。)

18、The poet's mind and the scorpion's tail rise inglory from the same earth.(诗人之心以及蝎子之尾,升腾于荣光里,来自同一片土地。)

19、They show their photos off upon return, both to remember their trip and to let others bask in theirglory.(他们在回来的时候炫耀他们的照片,既是为了记住他们的旅程,也是为了让其他人沐浴在他们的荣耀中。)

20、I do all the work and he gets all theglory.(活儿都是我干,荣誉都是他得。)

21、She basked in the reflectedglory of her daughter's success.(她尽情地享受她女儿的成功带给她的荣耀。)

22、The cathedral is the crowningglory of the city.(大教堂是这座城市至高无上的骄傲。)

23、Although many have been neglected, recent restoration has returned them to their formerglory.(虽然有许多被忽视了,但最近的重建使它们恢复了昔日的辉煌。)

24、Their defeat redounds to theglory of those whom they attacked.(他们的失败提高了那些受到他们攻击的人的声誉。)

25、I never learned how to play upon a lute; but I know how to raise a small and obscure city toglory and greatness.(我从不知如何弹奏鲁特琴;但我懂得如何使一座无名小镇发展成辉煌而伟大的城市。)

26、That bid forglory was a failure.(对荣耀的追求是失败的。)

27、Shanghai's planners were praised for restoring a riverfront quay to its 1930sglory.(上海的规划者们因重塑滨江码头于上世纪30年代的辉煌而受到赞誉。)

28、The greatestglory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.(人生最大的荣耀不在于永不跌倒,而在于每次跌倒之后都重新站起来。)

29、There is not muchglory in it, but we are looking for someone with some knowledge of anthropology to join us.(这不是什么能获得荣耀的工作,但是我们在寻找有一些人类学知识背景的人来加入我们。)

glory 基本释义


英 [ˈglɔ:ri] 美 [ˈɡlɔri, ˈɡlori] 

名词复数: glories 过去式: gloried 过去分词: gloried 现在分词: glorying 第三人称单数: glories



