1、All shades of mauve, lilac, lavender andpurple were fashionable.(所有紫红色、淡紫粉色、淡紫色和紫色都很流行。)2、A largepurple scar marked hi...
1、All shades of mauve, lilac, lavender andpurple were fashionable.(所有紫红色、淡紫粉色、淡紫色和紫色都很流行。)
2、A largepurple scar marked his cheek.(他的面颊上有一块大紫疤。)
3、purple is often preferred by artists.(紫色是艺术家们钟爱的颜色。)
4、With apurple marker, I drew stars.(我用紫色的记号笔画了星星。)
5、She worepurple and green silk.(她穿着紫色和绿色的丝绸。)
6、The walls were splashed with patches of blue andpurple.(墙壁上随意泼了大块的蓝色和紫色。)
7、purple is her favorite color.(紫色是她最爱的颜色。)
8、My raincoat ispurple.(我的雨衣是紫色的。)
9、Its large leaves often show a delicatepurple tint.(它的大叶子常现出一种柔和的淡紫色。)
10、There are alsopurple curtains.(还有紫色的窗帘。)
11、She was dressed inpurple.(她穿一身紫色衣裳。)
12、His Chinese book ispurple.(他的英语书是紫色的。)
13、She dressed inpurple.(她穿着紫色衣服。)
14、This is a rainbow. It ispurple and blue.(这是一道彩虹,它是紫色和蓝色的。)
15、I likepurple. I don't like grey.(我喜欢紫色。我不喜欢灰色。)
16、purple and yellow flowers peeped up between rocks.(紫色与黄色的花从岩石之间探出头来。)
17、Plums are another yummy deeppurple fruit.(李子也是一种可口的深紫色水果。)
18、They are longpurple snakes.(这些是紫色的长蛇。)
19、Her rings arepurple.(她的耳环是紫色的。)
20、Its leaves arepurple and brown.(它的叶子是紫色和棕色的。)
21、She was wearing an unbecoming shade ofpurple.(她穿着一身不相配的紫色衣服。)
22、The starfish ispurple.(这只海星是紫色的。)
23、These arepurple grapes.(这些是紫葡萄。)
24、My sister likespurple scarves.(我的妹妹喜欢紫色围巾。)
25、A long thin wool coat and apurple headscarf protected her against the wind.(一件薄薄的羊毛长大衣和一条紫色头巾为她挡风。)
26、His face waspurple with rage.(他气得脸色发紫。)
27、We flew north up the Hudson with itspurple palisades.(我们向北飞上有着紫色绝壁的哈德森山。)
28、He was buried with full military honours and posthumously awarded apurple Heart.(他被按照最高军事荣誉埋葬,死后被授予一枚紫心勋章)
29、purple is the in colour this spring.(紫色是今年春天的流行色。)
30、'Well, at least it's notpurple,' she commented drily.(“嗯,它至少不是紫色的。”她不动声色地幽默了一句。)
purple 基本释义
英 [ˈpɜ:pl] 美 [ˈpɜ:rpl]
过去式: purpled 过去分词: purpled 现在分词: purpling 第三人称单数: purples