

拼音 useful 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、The memory expansion cards areuseful adjuncts to the computer.(内存扩充卡是计算机很有用的附件。)2、My mobile phone is extremelyuseful.(...

1、The memory expansion cards areuseful adjuncts to the computer.(内存扩充卡是计算机很有用的附件。)

2、My mobile phone is extremelyuseful.(我的手机极为有用。)

3、Having your own computer is veryuseful.(自己有一台计算机用处很大。)

4、Hypnotherapy can beuseful in helping you give up smoking.(催眠疗法在帮助你戒烟方面可能有用。)

5、This information could proveuseful.(这条信息往后也许有用。)

6、He offered someuseful advice.(他提出了一些有益的建议。)

7、These experiments serve nouseful purpose.(这些实验没有任何实际意义。)

8、All of these areuseful breeds whose potentiality has not been realized.(所有这些都是有益的品种,其潜力尚未被认识到。)

9、In business a poker face can be veryuseful.(在生意场上,不露声色会非常有用的。)

10、Videoing students can be auseful teaching exercise.(给学生录像可以成为有用的教学活动。)

11、Overall, this is a veryuseful book.(总的来说,这是一本很有用的书。)

12、Painkillers are veryuseful in small amounts to bring your temperature down.(小剂量的止痛药对于降低体温非常有用。)

13、The drug will beuseful to hundreds of thousands of infected people.(这种药物将会对成千上万感染者有用。)

14、It was a collaboration that produced extremelyuseful results.(这是一次带来极其有益的成果的合作。)

15、She has ten years'useful experience behind her.(她有十年的经验,能派上用场。)

16、I've made someuseful contacts in journalism.(我在新闻界结交了一些有用的人。)

17、The research has yieldeduseful information.(这项研究提供了有用的资料。)

18、"For heaven's sake!" Dot expostulated. "They're cheap and they'reuseful."(“看在老天的份上!”多特反驳道。“他们便宜而且他们有用。”)

19、Photos makeuseful teaching aids.(照片可以成为有用的教具。)

20、Extra blank paper will probably come inuseful.(额外的空白纸可能用得着。)

21、From this chastening experience he learned someuseful lessons.(从这次惩戒性的经历中,他得到了一些有用的教训。)

22、It was certainlyuseful to have her there to chauffeur him around.(有她在那儿为他开车肯定是有用的。)

23、Some drugs kill offuseful bacteria in the user's body.(某些药物会杀死服用者体内的有益细菌。)

24、The newsletter is auseful channel of communication between teacher and students.(发简讯是沟通师生的有益渠道。)

25、They produced two reports, neither of which contained anyuseful suggestions.(他们提交了两个报告,都没有任何有用的建议。)

26、The tourist office operates auseful room-finding service.(这个旅游办事处开办了实用的找房业务。)

27、He might beuseful to us.(我们也许用得上他。)

28、The document provided a springboard for a lot ofuseful discussion.(这份文件引发出许多有益的讨论。)

29、This technique isuseful but it has its limitations.(这种技术实用,但也有局限性。)

30、He's a veryuseful player.(他是个很棒的运动员。)

useful 基本释义


英 [ˈju:sfl] 美 [ˈjusfəl] 

副词: usefully 名词: usefulness


