

拼音 nectar 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、In return, the acacia feeds the ants a protein from its leaflets andnectar from its stalk.(作为回报,洋槐树的叶片会分泌一种蛋白质,连同它的主茎分...

1、In return, the acacia feeds the ants a protein from its leaflets andnectar from its stalk.(作为回报,洋槐树的叶片会分泌一种蛋白质,连同它的主茎分泌的香甜汁液一起供蚂蚁食用。)

2、Somenectar plants are deer browse resistant.(有的花粉植物具有鹿类抗性。)

3、Bees collectnectar to make into honey and to make "bee bread" -pollen packed by workers into tiny balls with a bit ofnectar added.(蜜蜂通过采集花粉制成蜂蜜,让工蜂将“蜂粮”花粉装入蜂窝中。)

4、Honey made from suchnectar can cause the effects the texts describe, but only if eaten fresh since the honey loses its toxicity within a few weeks of being made.(用这种花蜜制成的蜂蜜会产生书上所描述的效果,但只有在新鲜食用的情况下才会如此,因为蜂蜜在制作几周内就会失去毒性。)

5、Most butterflies only sipnectar, but this one has evolved with special equipment-a snout that allows it to mine and then digest pollen.(大多数蝴蝶只能汲取花蜜,但这种袖蝶进化出了特殊的取食工具——可以用来采掘然后消化花粉的口吻部。)

6、"Almost all were incorrectly labeled based on their pollen andnectar contents," he said.(他说,“根据花粉和花蜜含量,几乎所有的产品标签都有问题。”)

7、A young boa constrictor bides its time on another bloom; the snake cares little for Ochromanectar but wouldn't pass up a meal of hummingbird.(一只小蟒蛇在另一朵花上等待时机;蛇对蜜汁不感兴趣,但不愿放弃一顿蜂鸟餐。)

8、The bees seek pollen; if they land by mistake in a blossom's pool ofnectar, they will probably drown.(这些蜜蜂正在收集花粉;如果误落到花蜜池中,蜜蜂可能会被淹死。)

9、In Greece, rhododendrons and oleander bloom only in springtime, when they are the predominant sources ofnectar.(在希腊,杜鹃花和夹竹桃只在春天开花,那时它们是花蜜的主要来源。)

10、Heather honey is made fromnectar collected from the tiny purple bell-shaped flower of the common heather plant.(石南蜂蜜是由常见的有着紫色钟状小花的石南植株花采集蜜制成。)

11、Water may be better if the bees had particularly poornectar sources in the fall, but this.(如果蜜蜂秋季的花蜜来源格外贫乏,糖水可能会更好,但若是它们春天的蜂蜜没有被偷走的话,一般不会有这样的问题。)

12、Agavenectar comes from the same plant that tequila is made from.(龙舌兰花蜜和龙舌兰酒都是来源于同一种植物。)

13、Liberated from the expense of makingnectar, it can make more pollen instead.(去除了制作花蜜的消耗,就能生产更多的花粉。)

14、The success of Clubcard andnectar in Britain seems to have persuaded a leading rewards-card sceptic to rethink.(“俱乐部卡”和“蜂蜜卡”在英国的成功使得积分卡奖励制度的怀疑者不得不重新思考。)

15、A kinkajou's pollen-dusted cheek tells of a late-nightnectar binge in an Ochroma, or balsa, tree.(一只参加巴尔沙树午夜花蜜狂欢酒会的蜜熊,它的面颊上沾满了花粉。)

16、Bees feed onnectar and pollen from flowers.(蜜蜂以花朵的琼浆和花粉为生。)

17、I watch them now as they haul in the last gleanings ofnectar from the final manzanita blooms of the year.(此刻,我看着它们从熊果树今年最后的花朵上采集回最后的零星花蜜。)

18、Africanized honeybees circle the center of an Ochroma bloom, drinkingnectar, while a black wasp lingers on a petal rim.(非洲蜂正在绕着花朵中心打转,同时吸取花蜜;一只黑色黄蜂停在花瓣上。)

19、Not only had they succumbed to thenectar of power and ambition, but also the enemy outside built up their hopes with them.(他们不仅仅屈从于权利和野心的甘露,同时外界的敌人们将自己的希望寄托在他们两个人身上。)

20、Male and female mosquitoes alike get their nourishment from plantnectar and other sugar sources.(雄蚊和雌蚊都是以植物汁液和其他甜食为食。)

21、It is the job of the most mature worker bees to leave the hive to collectnectar from flowers.(大多数成熟工蜂的职责就是离巢采集花蜜。)

22、Enoughnectar to make just a pound of honey "(NHB)." Bees gather pollen in sacs and.(蜜蜂采集花囊中的花粉和花中的花蜜。)

23、In Hawaii a non-native bird called a Japanese white-eye robsnectar from the base of a haha‘aiakamanu.(一只被称为日本绣眼鸟的外来鸟类正从桔梗花的底部采食花蜜。)

24、Raffles' pitcher plant, from the jungles of Borneo, producesnectar that both lures insects and forms a slick surface on which they can't get a grip.(莱佛士的猪笼草来自婆罗洲的丛林,它产出的花蜜既能吸引昆虫,又能形成一个光滑的表面,让昆虫无法找到着力点。)

25、Agavenectar is one alternative that is used by health conscious consumers.(龙舌兰花蜜是具有保健意识的消费者的选择之一。)

26、A midge gathers pollen from a cacao flower by sticking its head inside a "petal pouch" that contains both pollen and a stickynectar reward.(一只摇蚊把它的头伸进一个“花瓣囊”里,收集可可花的花粉,“花瓣囊”里既有花粉,也有粘稠的花蜜。)

27、Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gathernectar.(花常在蜜蜂采蜜时受粉。)

28、Bees gathernectar from flowers.(蜜蜂从花朵上采集花蜜。)

29、Clumpingnectar sources is more attractive to butterflies.(丛生花粉植物对蝴蝶更有吸引力。)

nectar 基本释义


英 [ˈnektə(r)] 美 [ˈnɛktɚ] 

形容词: nectarous


