1、However, some companies go wayoverboard in using templates.(然而,一些公司过分的使用模板。)2、Many papers stayed afloat by pushing jou...
1、However, some companies go wayoverboard in using templates.(然而,一些公司过分的使用模板。)
2、Many papers stayed afloat by pushing journalistsoverboard.(许多报社通过裁减新闻记者来渡过难关。)
3、Try not to gooverboard.(尽量不要走极端。)
4、I would also suggest that you not go toooverboard with the first date.(我还建议你不要在初次约会时太过浪费。)
5、“Modern recording has goneoverboard on the volume, ” he said.(“现代唱片全身投入到数量上”他说。)
6、He wriggledoverboard and John leapt after him.(他挣扎着跳到水里,约翰也跟着跳了下去。)
7、Theywent for a sail. Unfortunately the wife felloverboard and was drowned.(他们乘风出海,不幸的是妻子掉入海中淹死了。)
8、Don't gooverboard; start small and work toward building it up slowly.(别走极端;小事做起,慢慢来。)
9、The bodies of dozens of African emigrants discovered off the Italian coast last week might have been thrownoverboard, Italian officials said on Monday.(意大利官员周一表示,上周在意大利海岸发现的几十具非洲移民的尸体可能是被从船上扔到海里的。)
10、If you slacked consistently, you could be thrownoverboard.(如果你屡教不改老偷懒,你可能会被活活扔到海里。)
11、She felloverboard and the sharks got her.(她从船上跌入水中被鲨鱼咬了。)
12、Huge waves washed himoverboard.(巨浪把他冲下甲板卷入海中。)
13、Small ones are happy to be thrownoverboard.(小家伙很高兴被扔到船外。)
14、They heaved the bodyoverboard.(他们使劲把尸体从船上抛入水中。)
15、His sailing instructor felloverboard and nearly drowned during a lesson.(他的帆船教练在一次课上落水,差点溺死。)
16、Peter issued from the powder magazine with the shell in his hands, and calmly flung itoverboard.(彼得从火药箱里出来,手里拿着炮弹,不慌不忙地把它扔到海里。)
17、Of course, Mr Obama has not been tossedoverboard literally.(当然,奥巴马并没有被人从船上抛下去。)
18、She felloverboard and was swept out to sea.(她从船上落入水中,被海浪冲向外海。)
19、"Fling the girloverboard," cried Hook.(“把这姑娘扔到海里去。”胡克喊道。)
20、Peter gave the signal, and the carrion was castoverboard.(彼得发了信号,那具尸体就被抛到船外去了。)
21、A naval officer felloverboard.(一名海军军官从甲板上掉入海中。)
22、Just make sure you don't gooverboard and clog the toilet.(只是要确保你不匆忙地堵塞的厕所。)
23、Women sometimes damage their skin by goingoverboard with abrasive cleansers.(女性有时因为过度使用研磨型的洁面乳而损害了皮肤。)
24、The problem arises when you gooverboard.(当你的行为过火时问题就出现了。)
25、Unfortunately, the market has a habit of goingoverboard.(不幸的是,市场惯于反应过度。)
26、He was washedoverboard by a huge wave.(一个巨浪把他从船上掀进海里。)
27、If you gooverboard, the probabilities are not in your favor.(如果你落水了,你可不会喜欢你得救的概率。)
28、A manoverboard!(一个人落在海里了!)
overboard 基本释义
英 [ˈəʊvəbɔ:d] 美 [ˈoʊvərbɔ:rd]