1、"To joyfully explore" means to be anexplorer.(“快乐地探索”意思是成为一个探索者。)2、Select the project in the packageexplorer.(在包浏览器中选择...
1、"To joyfully explore" means to be anexplorer.(“快乐地探索”意思是成为一个探索者。)
2、Select the project in the packageexplorer.(在包浏览器中选择项目。)
3、Just then, a third man arrived: Japaneseexplorer Nobu Shirase.(正在这时,第三个人来了:日本探险家NobuShirase。)
4、Earlier this year, Britishexplorer Pen Hadow and his team trekked for three months across the frozen Arctic Ocean, taking measurements and recording observations about the ice.(今年早些时候,英国探险家潘·哈多和他的团队在冰冻的北冰洋上跋涉了三个月,对冰层进行测量和记录观察结果。)
5、In Objectexplorer, click the Databases folder.(在对象资源管理器,单击数据库文件夹。)
6、F3 will openexplorer and select the search bar.(F3用于打开资源管理器并选中搜索栏。)
7、You should also see all of the verification points and test objects listed in the Scriptexplorer on the right.(你还应该看到右侧的脚本资源管理器中列出的所有验证点和测试对象。)
8、Internetexplorer 10, the version due to appear with Windows 8, would have DNT as a default.(与Windows8一起发布的IE10将把DNT作为默认设置。)
9、Now let's move on to the fileexplorer.(现在让我们继续讨论文件资源管理器这一话题。)
10、Like a curiousexplorer, see what you notice.(就像一个好奇的探险家,去看看你注意到了什么。)
11、Charles is anexplorer.(查尔斯是一个探索者类型的人。)
12、explorer Roy Chapman Andrews argued at the time that the whale must be a throwback to a land-living ancestor.(探险家罗伊·查普曼·安德鲁斯当时认为,鲸鱼一定是一种返祖的陆地生物。)
13、explorer now looks like Figure 2.(资源管理器现在如图2所示。)
14、Finally, the youngexplorer arrived in what was called the valley of death by the locals.(最后,这位年轻的探险家到达了当地人所说的“死亡之谷”。)
15、Visit the features within Databaseexplorer.(访问数据库浏览器中的特性。)
16、You can use the BPCexplorer to kick off any business processes in those applications.(您可以使用BPC浏览器启动那些应用程序中的任何业务流程。)
17、Since boyhood, Shirase had dreamed of becoming a polarexplorer like Amundsen, and he initially set his sights on the North Pole.(从孩提时代起,Shirase就梦想成为像阿蒙森一样的极地探险家,而他最初的目标是去北极。)
18、Save password in Databaseexplorer.(在数据库浏览器中保存密码。)
19、It took Internetexplorer over a decade just to add support for the abbr element.(因特网浏览器(Internetexplorer)花了十多年的时间才添加了对abbr元素的支持。)
20、In the race to the South Pole, there was a Japanese team attempting to be first, led by heroicexplorer Nobu Shirase.(在前往南极的比赛中,有一支由英勇的探险家NobuShirase带领的日本队伍全力争夺第一名。)
21、With theexplorer now declared open, that means you are free to show off your data in the graphic displays Google have hatched.(这一浏览器现在已对公众开放,这意味着你可以用谷歌开发的图形显示器来炫耀下你的数据。)
22、Frobisher, a sixteenth-century Englishexplorer, had soil samples from Canada's Kodlunarn Island examined for gold content.(弗罗比舍是一位16世纪的英国探险家,曾对来自加拿大Kodlunarn岛的土壤样品进行了含金量检测。)
23、First, create a class in the modelexplorer.(首先,在模型浏览器中创建一个类。)
24、The default setting on Windowsexplorer will not show these files.(视窗浏览器上的默认系统设定不显示这些文档。)
25、Alvares was a Portugueseexplorer.(阿尔瓦雷斯是一位葡萄牙探险家。)
26、Microsoft's Internetexplorer and Apple's Safari both offer DNT; Google's Chrome is due to do so this year.(微软的ie浏览器和苹果的Safari浏览器都提供了DNT选项;谷歌的Chrome浏览器也将在今年推出相同功能。)
27、Captain Cook was anexplorer of the Pacific Ocean.(库克船长是太平洋的探险家。)
28、Mosaic, introduced in 1992, has been replaced by much more powerful Internet browsers such as its successor Netscape or Microsoft's Internetexplorer.(Mosaic于1992年推出,现已被Netscape或Microsoft的Internetexplorer等功能强大得多的互联网浏览器所取代。)
29、If you do want to use the command prompt, we also have a tool that pops up a command window in whichever directory you choose in the Solutionexplorer.(如果您确实想使用命令提示符,我们还有一个工具,可以在“解决方案资源管理器”中选择的任何目录中弹出一个命令窗口。)
explorer 基本释义
英 [ɪkˈsplɔ:rə(r)] 美 [ɪkˈsplɔrɚ, -ˈsplor-]