1、We wouldoppose Chinese mitten crab fishing because it might encourage its spread to other areas.(我们反对捕捞中华绒蝥蟹,因为这可能会刺激它...
1、We wouldoppose Chinese mitten crab fishing because it might encourage its spread to other areas.(我们反对捕捞中华绒蝥蟹,因为这可能会刺激它往其他区域扩展。)
2、We firmlyoppose ourselves to seizing on others' faultsm to putting hats on people, and to wielding the big stick.(我们坚决反对抓辫子,戴帽子,打棍子。)
3、So we will side with the majority of the people of Philadelphia whooppose this tax and take legal action to stop it.(因此,我们将支持大多数费城人,反对这项税收,并采取法律行动来阻止它。)
4、Theyoppose modernity.(他们反对现代。)
5、More people favour a single European currency thanoppose it.(支持欧洲单一货币的人比反对的多。)
6、Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how theyoppose specific points made in the reading passage.(总结演讲中提出的观点,一定要解释他们如何反对阅读文章中提的具体观点。)
7、Weoppose interference by any outside force.(我们反对任何外来势力插手干预。)
8、Many fishermenoppose such restrictions.(很多渔民反对这类的限制。)
9、oppose extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economy.(反对大吃大喝,注意节约。)
10、This passage will deal with the arguments thatoppose and support teaching history in school, concluding that we should teach history, because the value of the subject goes beyond the classroom.(这篇文章将探讨反对和支持在学校教授历史的观点,得出的结论是我们应该教授历史,因为这门学科的价值不仅限于教室中。)
11、Some peopleoppose the universities open to the tourists on the ground that it will distract the attention of the students as well as the teachers.(有些人反对校园向游客开放,原因是这会分散学生和老师的注意力。)
12、Since 1975 advocates of humane treatment of animals have broadened their goals tooppose the use of animals for fur,leather, wool and food.(自1975年以来,人道对待动物的倡导者们将他们的目标扩大到反对用动物做毛皮、皮革、羊毛和食物。)
13、Upwards of a billion stars in our galaxy have burnt up their internal energy sources, and so can no longer produce the heat a star needs tooppose the inward force of gravity.(在我们的星系中,超过10亿颗恒星已经耗尽了它们的内部能量来源,因此无法再产生恒星所需的热量来对抗向内的引力。)
14、Brigida obeyed, for the uncle had a way that nobody couldoppose.(布丽吉特照办了,因为大叔有一种脾气,谁也不能反对他。)
15、Norway's stock exchange and its main business lobbyoppose the law, as do many businessmen.(与许多商人一样,挪威的证券交易所及其主要的商业游说团体也反对这项法律。)
16、Many expertsoppose the move.(许多专家都反对暂停的做法。)
17、Fourthly,oppose trade protectionism and facilitate early, comprehensive and balanced outcomes of the Doha Round Negotiations.(第四,反对贸易保护主义,促进多哈回合谈判早日取得全面、平衡的成果。)
18、Who willoppose your initiative?(谁会反对你的倡议?)
19、I wouldoppose changing the law.(我将反对改变这个法规。)
20、This party would bitterlyoppose the re-introduction of the death penalty.(本党会强烈反对恢复死刑。)
21、He intends tooppose the prime minister in the leadership election.(在领导选举中,他欲与首相一决高下。)
22、That is why Ioppose the plan to build a factory near my community.(这就是为什么我反对在我的社区附近建造工厂的计划。)
23、Another reason why Ioppose going abroad for studies is that it would cost a considerable sum of money.(我反对出国留学的另一个原因是它需要花费很多钱。)
24、Promote materialist dialectics andoppose metaphysics and scholasticism.(要提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。)
25、"I totallyoppose what he's doing," she said over lunch in the family home, off a crooked alley lined with Ming Dynasty houses.(“我完全反对他的做法,”她说,她坐在家吃午饭,她家在一条小巷旁,两旁排列着明代的房屋。)
26、Getting approval for the plan is a purely formal matter; nobody will seriouslyoppose it.(寻求计划获得批准纯粹是一个形式上的问题,没有人会认真反对的。)
27、Scots should intransigentlyoppose any kind of change in the health service.(苏格兰人应该坚决反对任何形式的医疗服务改革。)
28、There is widespread concern that some caught up in the trials are innocent people whose crime is tooppose AK.(人们普遍担心,一些在审判中被捕的人是无辜的人,他们的罪行是反对AK。)
oppose 基本释义
英 [əˈpəʊz] 美 [əˈpoʊz]
名词: opposer 过去式: opposed 过去分词: opposed 现在分词: opposing 第三人称单数: opposes