1、'Youmiss them, don't you?' he asked gently.(“你想念他们,是吗?”他温和地问道。)2、"You'llmiss The Brady Bunch."—"Big deal."(“你会错过《布雷迪家庭...
1、'Youmiss them, don't you?' he asked gently.(“你想念他们,是吗?”他温和地问道。)
2、"You'llmiss The Brady Bunch."—"Big deal."(“你会错过《布雷迪家庭》的。”—“没什么大不了的。”)
3、It was nice talking to you,miss Ellis.(很高兴与你交谈,埃利斯小姐。)
4、miss Blockey was at her best when she played the piano.(布洛基小姐弹钢琴那会儿正处于最佳状态。)
5、Imiss her badly.(我十分想念她。)
6、It was too good an opportunity tomiss.(这个机会太好了,不容错过。)
7、Imiss the quietness of the countryside.(我怀念农村的寂静。)
8、The sale prices were too good tomiss.(那次价格优惠真的不可错过。)
9、miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement in the local newspaper.(帕里什小姐最近在当地报纸上登出了一则启事。)
10、He marriedmiss Vancouver in 1963, or whenever it was.(他在1963年或什么时候娶了温哥华小姐。)
11、When did you firstmiss the necklace?(你最早发觉项链不见了是什么时候?)
12、Imiss you dreadfully.(我非常想念您。)
13、If you go now you shouldmiss the crowds.(你如果现在走就可以避开人群。)
14、Imiss thee, beloved father.(亲爱的父亲,我想念您。)
15、Imiss my family very much.(我很想念我的家人。)
16、We'd better hurry or we'llmiss the train.(我们最好快点,否则就赶不上火车了。)
17、miss Finkelstein will put a dressing on your thumb.(芬克尔斯坦小姐将在你的大拇指上包一层敷料。)
18、Come, come,miss Jones, you know perfectly well what I mean.(得啦,得啦,琼斯小姐,你完全知道我的意思。)
19、They're auditioning new members for the cast of "miss Saigon" today.(他们今天在为《西贡小姐》剧组的新演员试镜。)
20、I sure domiss you something fierce!(我真的非常想念你!)
21、Will that be all,miss?(就这些吗,小姐?)
22、If I don't leave now I'llmiss my plane.(现在不走我就赶不上飞机了。)
23、Imiss the old devil, now that he's gone.(老家伙这一走,我还真想他。)
24、I'llmiss you, kiddo.(年轻人,我会想念你的。)
25、Imiss him terribly.(我非常思念他。)
26、miss another class and you'll fail.(你再缺一次课就会不及格了。)
27、Sofia was intending to call onmiss Kitts.(索菲娅打算去拜访基茨小姐。)
28、miss Curling won on two horses from Mick Trickey's stable.(柯林小姐凭借两匹米克•特里克养马场的马获胜了。)
miss 基本释义
英 [mɪs] 美 [mɪs]
过去式: missed 过去分词: missed 现在分词: missing 第三人称单数: misses