

拼音 kick 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、He suffered akick to the knee.(他的膝盖被踢了一脚。)2、The showskick off on October 24th.(展览从10月24日开始。)3、If the door won't open,...

1、He suffered akick to the knee.(他的膝盖被踢了一脚。)

2、The showskick off on October 24th.(展览从10月24日开始。)

3、If the door won't open, give it akick.(门要是打不开就踹一下。)

4、Everyone tries tokick you.(每个人都想要踢你。)

5、He threw me to the ground and started tokick.(他把我摔在地上开始踢我。)

6、The referee told him to punt orkick the ball off the ground.(裁判让他开悬空球,将球踢出场地。)

7、In the end I just couldn'tkick Jimmy when he was down.(最后我就是不忍对吉米落井下石。)

8、He would barge into them andkick them in the shins.(他会冲撞他们,踢他们的小腿。)

9、Thekick-off is at 3.(足球比赛3点开球。)

10、We are playingkick stones.(我们在玩踢石头。)

11、He lifted the bike off its stand andkick-started it.(他把摩托车从展台上搬下来并用脚发动了它。)

12、The event willkick off with a potluck.(该活动将以吃一顿百家饭启动。)

13、He missed an easykick.(他错失很容易的一脚球。)

14、He aimed akick at the dog.(他对准狗踢了一脚。)

15、She gave him akick on the shin.(她朝他的小腿踢了一脚。)

16、Tom willkick off with a few comments.(汤姆讲话时要先发表几点意见。)

17、Young people oftenkick against the rules.(年轻人常常违反规定。)

18、The fullback'skick carried 50 metres into the crowd.(后卫一脚把球踢出50米远,落入人群中。)

19、What time shall wekick off?(我们什么时候开始?)

20、I get akick out of driving fast cars.(开快车给我带来极大的乐趣。)

21、This drink has quite akick.(这酒的劲相当大。)

22、If hekicks me, I'llkick him back.(他要是踢我,我就踢他。)

23、We can'tkick them off the island.(我们不能把他们从岛上赶走。)

24、He gave the door a heftykick.(他猛踢了一下门。)

25、I got akick out of seeing my name in print.(看到我的名字被印成铅字,我感到非常兴奋。)

26、I went tokick the ball and I completely missed it.(我去踢球却踢空了。)

27、The housing market needs akick-start.(房产市场需要重振。)

28、David gave the door akick and it flew open.(戴维踢了门一脚,门一下子开了。)

29、He gave the door a good hardkick.(他狠狠踢了一下门。)

30、Reforms willkick in later this year.(改革将于今年下半年开始见效。)

kick 基本释义


英 [kɪk] 美 [kɪk] 

过去式: kicked 过去分词: kicked 现在分词: kicking 第三人称单数: kicks



