brush aside的造句
1、Some in the industry brush the fail count aside as mere clerical errors, but this seems unlikely given the number.(行业中...
1、Some in the industry brush the fail count aside as mere clerical errors, but this seems unlikely given the number.(行业中有人把失败交易量晾在一边,认为那只是办公工作中出现错误造成的,但数字这么大,这么解释不太说得过去。)
2、brush aside my fears.(将我的恐惧一扫而空。)
3、We cannot brush them aside and ignore them.(我们不可以把它们推在一旁不理会。)
4、How can shebrush aside the others' feelings?(她怎么能无视别人的感受?)
5、Most of us admit study as something important, but brush it aside at busy times.(我们大多数人都承认学习很重要,可一忙起来就忽视学习了。)
6、As a leading comrade, one should notbrush aside the suggestions and criticisms from the masses, but take them into serious consideration.(当领导应该认真考虑而不应该无视来自群众的建议和批评。)
7、The reason they seize on the appearance andbrush aside the essence in their observation of things is that they have not made a scientific analysis of the essence of the overall situation.(所以有这种抓住表面抛弃实质的观察,是因为他们对于一般情况的实质并没有科学地加以分析。)
8、Some people seize on the appearance andbrush aside the essence in their observation of things.(有些人在观察事物时抓住表面而不看实质。)
9、Sometimes a moonbeam will slip through the cold rain on the attic window andbrush aside a cobweb.(有时,一束月光穿过冷雨簌簌帕打在窗棂格栅,掸散丝丝蛛网。)
10、We have tobrush aside many of our own ideas for the good of the whole.(为了整体的利益,我们必须放弃许多自己的观点。)
11、Before you brush this argument aside as rubbish, or think of joy as an unaffordable luxury in a nation where there is awful poverty, low academic achievement, and high dropout rates, think again.(在你把这个论点当作垃圾置之不理之前,或者在你认为对于一个有可怕的贫穷率、低学术成就和高辍学率的国家,快乐是一种负担不起的奢侈品之前,再想想吧。)
12、James made some adverse criticisms of the plan but I was able to brush them aside.(詹姆斯对该计划进行非难,但我却对它们置之不理。)
13、I pushed aside the crushed cushion in a rush and saw a bushy brush.(我急忙推开压皱的软垫子,看见一把浓密的刷子。)
14、You can not justbrush aside, while watching your favorite movies.(你不只能够一边刷牙,一边看你喜好地片子。)
15、The thesis theorizes on how tobrush aside all sorts of factors detrimental to creative thinking, establish correct views on thinking and how to grasp an accurate and creative way of thinking.(本文论述排除各种妨碍创造性思维的因素,树立正确的思维观念,把握准确的创造性思路。)
16、Sometimess you ignore your own dreams because of self-doubt, fear, or external complications, you can think of many different excuses to brush those dreams aside.(有时,由于缺乏自信,心怀恐惧,或是因为外界复杂状况的干扰。导致你忽视了梦想。你也会找出许多不同的理由来将自己的梦想扫至一边。)
17、Perhaps if we once admit in Franciscan and Darwinian vein that the creatures we so insouciantlybrush aside are our relatives, we would treat them differently.(或许,假如某天我们能像圣方济和达尔文那样,不再漫不经心地漠视这些生物,而是把它们当作我们的亲人,我们就可以用不同的方式来对待它们。)
18、Great tooth, can youbrush aside someone to slice off the lip?(伟大的齿,你能漠视别人将唇割掉么?)
19、At first, he tried to brush it aside.(一开始,他试图将其忽视。)
20、China will continue tobrush aside Japan's longstanding complaints about the secretiveness of China's armed forces and the big annual increases in its budget.(对日本长期以来有关中国秘密军事力量和逐年增加的军事预算的抱怨,中国将会置之不理。)
21、One must brush everything aside and go straight to the real problem.(他必须扫开一切,径直走向真正的问题。)
22、Perhaps you shouldn't brush the idea aside too hastily.(或许你不该太草率地对那个想法置之不理。)
23、Talk to a friend who will really listen and notbrush aside your feelings.(跟一个愿意真正倾听并不会置你的感受于不顾的朋友谈谈。)
brush aside 基本释义
brush aside
英 [brʌʃ əˈsaid] 美 [brʌʃ əˈsaɪd]