
give back

拼音 give back 怎么读

类型 英语造句

give back的造句


1、You need togive back to the tribe and offer other tribe members your support, just as they support you.(你应该回到部落给予他人帮助,...

1、You need togive back to the tribe and offer other tribe members your support, just as they support you.(你应该回到部落给予他人帮助,因为他们在你需要帮助的时候也曾伸出援助之手。)

2、Newcastle showed me so much respect and a lot of love that I want togive back to them.(球队给了我很大的尊重和很多的爱,我会知恩图报。)

3、I hope that you and your families take this opportunity togive back to our communities.(我希望您和您的家人借此机会回馈我们的社区。)

4、And if we're able togive back, to find genes associated with longevity, it's really something we have to do.(如果我们能有所回馈,也就是找到长寿相关的基因,这肯定是我们必须要做的事情。)

5、Sounds like you're stuck being the good child, the one who knows how to love responsibly andgive back.(听起来你一直在做一个好孩子,一个知道如何负责人的去爱并且回报的好孩子。)

6、Now the computer industry says it wants togive back some of those precious seconds.(现在,电脑行业表示,希望回馈一些珍贵的启动时间。)

7、It's saying, "God, I love You so much I want togive back to You."(就是说,“神啊,我太爱你了,我要回报你。”)

8、Remember togive back to your profession by mentoring others in whatever topics you decide to learn about.(记住,无论您决定学习哪个课题,都要通过指导他人来回馈您的专业知识。)

9、The more my fans like what I'm doing, the more I want togive back to them.(越多的粉丝喜欢我所做的,我就越多地想回报他们。)

10、Because SBRK maygive back more memory than we ask for, we leak some memory at the end of the heap.(由于sbrk可能会交回比我们请求的更多的内存,所以在堆(heap)的末端会遗漏一些内存。)

11、Let's put aside the baloney answers you'll hear — answers such as, "Because I want togive back." That's nice.(让我们先把诸如因为我想归还这样的胡扯的话放在一边。)

12、If you take an hour for personal needs,give back two hours.(如果你用一个小时去办私事的话,就应用两个小时来弥补。)

13、You saved my life and I want togive back to You.(你救了我的生命,我要用我的生命回报你。)

14、Finally, Igive back to help others, which cements the knowledge in.(最后,我返回来帮助其他人,进一步巩固我的知识。)

15、I believe that my own good fortune brings with it a responsibility tpgive back to the world.(我认为,我所拥有的大量财富也使我负有回馈社会的责任。)

16、I volunteer because I love my city and I need togive back something to it other than tax dollars.(我去做志愿者是因为我热爱我的城市,除了交税我还需要偿还它一些其他的东西。)

17、And we believed it was a good way togive back to the open source community.(我们相信这是回报开放源码社区的好方法。)

18、The developers solve (or spuriously solve) their bugs andgive back the new source to me .(开发人员解决(或貌似解决)了他们的bug,随后把新的源代码发还给我。)

19、Starbucks says it offered Kraft $500m togive back the CPG business.(星巴克声称他将出价5亿美元买回其快消业余。)

20、Other than what I've done, I can'tgive back any more.(除了我所做的,我没有更多可以回报球迷的。)

21、Finally, I felt I was able togive back some of the support she had given me.(最终我也可以像她支持我一样去支持她了。)

22、If you're looking for a way togive back, this is a great way to do it.(如果你正寻找获得回报的方法,这就是个不错的主意。)

23、Save Your Logo is a global initiative aimed at these brands as a way togive back to their beloved creatures.(拯救你的商标,这是一个面向全球知名品牌的行动倡议,去关注那些他们热爱的生命。)

24、Let me have 20 years, and the 30 years I'llgive back to you.(我只要20年,另外30年你收回吧。)

give back 基本释义

give back

英 [ɡiv bæk] 美 [ɡɪv bæk] 

归还; 送回; 反射; 恢复

give back分字造句
