
fall back on

拼音 fall back on 怎么读

类型 英语造句

fall back on的造句


1、You'll have tofall back on the intellectual-superiority argument now.(你们现在只能回到(和上海人)智力优越的争论中了。)2、He has her support to...

1、You'll have tofall back on the intellectual-superiority argument now.(你们现在只能回到(和上海人)智力优越的争论中了。)

2、He has her support tofall back on when the going gets tough.(当进展艰难时,他可以依赖她的支持。)

3、By 2010, moreover, Mr Obama will no longer be able tofall back on the excuse that all of this was beyond his control.(此外,到2010年,奥巴马不能再依赖于借口如“所有这些都超出了他的控制”之类的托辞。)

4、Forced into an adversarial position with an indifferent society, they have nothing tofall back on but their talents.(在一个冷漠的社会里被迫沦为社会最贫苦的人群,他们除了自己的才能无所依靠。)

5、No wonder TV executivesfall back on sitcom formulas and celebrities-they're safe bets in an expensive game.(难怪电视主管们又回到了老套路的电视剧和名人——因为他们是这场昂贵游戏中最安全的赌注。)

6、Doctors sometimesfall back on old cures.(医生们有时求助于传统疗法。)

7、Believers, of course, canfall back on the logically less rigorous support that they characterize as faith.(当然,信徒则可以对他们描述为信仰的东西求助于逻辑上不那么严密的支持。)

8、Of course, showbiz is a good profession tofall back on - even after a long absence.(当然,身置娱乐圈中可谓背靠大树好乘凉——即使在长时间隐退之后亦是如此。)

9、You couldfall back on type checking inside the add method, but that is not elegant and inflexible.(您可以依赖add方法内部的类型检查,但这并不优雅而且不固定。)

10、Plan to have at least one year's living expenses tofall back on or provided for by a second household income.(计划出至少一年的生活开支,或者要有第二份家庭收入来支付。)

11、Journalists should try using it (they canfall back on big cheese occasionally).(记者们应该尝试使用这一用词(他们偶尔会借助于采用“大人物(bigcheese)”)。)

12、The public door ACL does not exist, so youfall back on the ACL of the parent.(公共门ACL不存在,因此,您需要后退到上一级ACL。)

13、Remember not tofall back on old acquisitive habits. Then enjoy your newfound freedom from clutter.(记住不要再养成收集杂物的习惯不要贪得无厌。享受屏弃杂物后的自由吧。)

14、Spaniards traditionallyfall back on families for support, housing and jobs at times of crisis.(传统上,西班牙人在危机来临之时会投靠家庭,已获得支持、住房和工作。)

15、Demonstrate your commitment to the transition by declining people's request tofall back on old habits.(拒绝人们回退到旧方法的请求,从而展示你对这项改造的决心。)

16、"I wouldfall back on her optimism, " he says.(“我彻底被她的乐观感染了,”他说。)

17、Even the most sophisticated companies have tofall back on established distribution systems.(不然的话,就算是最老练的公司们也不得不退回到原先制定的分配系统。)

18、When necessary, instinct is the most reliable resource you canfall back on.(必要时,本能是你可使用的最可靠的资源。)

19、I have a little money in the bank tofall back on.(我在银行还有一点钱,需要时可以动用。)

20、When there is no GUI to test, you must thenfall back on lower-level tests.(如果没有“GUI”需要测试,您就必须进行低级(lower-level)测试。)

21、Some designersfall back on templates or personal work habits when conceptualizing a design.(部分设计师在思考一项设计概念时会利用模板化内容或者个人工作习惯。)

22、O.K., it's a little facile. But what I'm trying to do here is spin the cliche, notfall back on it.(这没什么,我这么说确实有点肤浅,但是我正尝试做的事情不是重述陈词滥调,而是将其翻新。)

23、But, of course, there is always "market sentiment" tofall back on.(当然,人们总是可以把“市场情绪”当作托词。)

24、It is these things where we shouldfall back on expert judgment and more experienced people.(在这些事情上,我们应该听从专家和更有经验的人的判断。)

25、Most players who want to make it to the pros don’t have an education tofall back on when things don’t work out.(多数想要进入职业联赛的球员都没有接受完整教育来作为(万一在足球上不成功的)依靠。)

26、This forces the program tofall back on techniques that resemble manual memory management.(这使得程序不得不使用人工内存管理的老技术。)

27、So they may eat up their savings and have tofall back on the state's means-tested benefit at 65.(所以他们可能花光了积蓄,65岁时又不得不吃起低保。)

28、Mr Papaconstantinou insists that Greece does not plan tofall back on support from the EU and IMF.(帕帕·康斯坦丁努坚持说希腊不会退而转向欧盟和IMF求助。)

fall back on 基本释义

fall back on

英 [fɔ:l bæk ɔn] 美 [fɔl bæk ɑn] 

求助于; 转而依靠

fall back on分字造句
