
at a time

拼音 at a time 怎么读

类型 英语造句

at a time的造句


1、We can play for an hourat a time?(我们一次可以玩一个小时吗?)2、I don't know if he'll get better. We're just taking it one dayat a t...

1、We can play for an hourat a time?(我们一次可以玩一个小时吗?)

2、I don't know if he'll get better. We're just taking it one dayat a time.(我不知道他还能不能好转,我们只有过一天算一天。)

3、To set our heart on one thingat a time and give up all other thoughts is also a good way.(每次只把我们的心放在一件事上,放弃所有其他的想法,也是一个好方法。)

4、Buy all your clothes at once with a stylist instead of shopping alone, one article of clothingat a time.(和造型师一起一次买完所有你需要的衣服,而不是一个人购物、一次只买一件衣服。)

5、You trust that the peeling of your fluff will reveal slowly, one layerat a time.(你相信你的绒毛会慢慢地、一次一层地剥开。)

6、I can only carry twoat a time.(我一次只能带两个。)

7、I was unable to keep focused for more than an hourat a time.(我无法一次集中注意力超过一个小时。)

8、Gray squirrels bury nuts oneat a time in a number of places.(灰松鼠在很多地方一次埋一个坚果。)

9、She ran up the stairs twoat a time.(她一步两阶地跑上楼梯。)

10、Some people exist on melons or coconuts for weeksat a time.(有些人一度数周靠各种瓜与椰子生存。)

11、at a time of limited means of expression, snow was like free art supplies dropped from the sky.(在表达方式有限的时代,雪就像从天而降的自由艺术品。)

12、She takes about fifteen out of the nestat a time, carrying them in her mouth to the nearby water.(她每次从巢里拿出15只,用嘴把它们叼到附近的水里。)

13、Only one task may hold the mutexat a time, and only this task can unlock the mutex.(一次只能有一个任务持有互斥锁,并且只有这个任务可以解锁互斥锁。)

14、The boats remain at sea for an average of ten daysat a time.(这些船平均每次在海上呆10天。)

15、Many alcoholics go on drinking sprees that continue for daysat a time.(许多酒鬼一次要狂饮好几天。)

16、"He wanted to do one thingat a time," Meg says, explaining her son's delay.(“他想一次做一件事。”梅格说,解释她儿子的拖延。)

17、We had to go and see the principal oneat a time.(我们得逐一去见校长。)

18、They take it one stepat a time.(他们一次只做一步。)

19、Now she must talk her sister through the process a stepat a time.(现在她必须向她姐姐详细解释这个过程,一次只说一个步骤。)

20、Let's attack one problemat a time.(咱们一次全力处理一个问题。)

21、She says the current way to identify whether chemicals cause cancer is to test them oneat a time.(她说目前确认化学成分是否造成癌症的途径每次对其进行试验。)

22、My mind could only assimilate one impossibilityat a time.(我的头脑一次只能吸纳一件不可能的事情。)

23、He might feel that leveraging the companyat a time when he sees tremendous growth opportunities would be a mistake.(他可能感觉到在看到巨大的发展机会时举债经营公司是一个错误。)

24、It was like being a mouse, only daring to nibble a little bitat a time.(它就像一只老鼠,一次只敢吃一点点。)

25、They hold their breath and dive deep for up to twenty minutesat a time.(他们屏住呼吸,进行一次长达20分钟的深潜。)

26、Introduce foods oneat a time and notice if you feel uncomfortable with any of them.(一次尝一种食物,看你是否对其中某种食物感到不适。)

27、Yes, you can! You can change it through one choice, one person or one kind actat a time.(是的,你可以!你可以通过一个选择,一个人或者一次善行来改变它。)

28、Wealth starts with a goal saving a dollarat a time.(财富始于一次存一美元的目标。)

29、One stepat a time.(一步一步来。)

30、Raise one kneeat a time.(每次抬起一只膝盖。)

at a time 基本释义

at a time

英 [æt ə taim] 美 [æt e taɪm] 

每次; 一次

at a time分字造句
