
turn a blind eye to

拼音 turn a blind eye to 怎么读

类型 英语造句

turn a blind eye to的造句


1、The police hasturn a blind eye to the matter.(警方对那一事件视而不见。)2、Unfortunately, though, some companies doturn a blind eye...

1、The police hasturn a blind eye to the matter.(警方对那一事件视而不见。)

2、Unfortunately, though, some companies doturn a blind eye to exploitation of workers and suppliers.(然而,不幸的是,一些公司却漠视对工人和供应商的剥削。)

3、Why didtheofficialsturn a blind eye to the crime?(为什么官员对犯罪睁一只眼闭一只眼?。)

4、How much happiness weturn a blind eye to, but we are shut out by the minimal pain.(有多少幸福我们视若无睹,是因为我们的视线被那些轻微的痛苦遮挡了。)

5、We can'tturn a blind eye to anti-social behaviour.(我们不能对不良社会行为熟视无睹。)

6、The peopleturn a blind eye to the phenomena and seldom ponder over.(这种现象,人们对它熟视而无睹,很少深入地加以思考。)

7、I was born and grew up in Ireland so pleaseturn a blind eye to the bias in this entry!(我生在爱尔兰,长在爱尔兰。所以请忽略那些对爱尔兰的偏见吧!)

8、We cannotturn a blind eye to the phenomenon. If we continue to ignore the issue, more problems will follow.(我们不能对这种现象视而不见。倘若我们忽视此类问题,那么今后会有更多的问题发生。)

9、By contrast, the young couple who are sitting comfortably,turn a blind eye to the old man, not giving their seats to him.(相比之下,一对年轻的夫妇舒舒服服地坐着,对老人视而不见,不给他让座。)

10、If we stillturn a blind eye to our traditional festivals, our culture and civilization will disappear someday.(如果我们对传统节日漠然置之,那么某天我们的文化文明终会消失。)

11、When they see students cheating, they shouldn'tturn a blind eye to it.(老师们也应该严格执行学校的规章制度,对考试作弊不能视而不见。)

12、However, in spite of its advantages, we can'tturn a blind eye to its disadvantages.(然而,尽管它的优点,我们不能视而不见缺点。)

13、The fast pace of city life makes peopleturn a blind eye to others' feelings.(都市生活的快速步调使大家对他人的感受视若无睹。)

14、We should notturn a blind eye to the disadvantages of artificial intelligence.(我们不应该忽视人工智能的弊端。)

15、It pays toturn a blind eye to some of things that go on around here.(对于这里发生的一些事情最好不予理睬。)

16、I have some experience with parents whoturn a blind eye to their kids' shortcomings: I am related to a few of them.(我曾经遇见过对自己孩子的缺陷睁一只眼闭一只眼的父母:他们中间的一些和我有亲戚关系。)

17、People usually are busy of short-term benefit, butturn a blind eye to around transformation.(人们往往来去匆匆奔流于眼前的利益,而对身边的变化熟视无睹。)

18、But for a handful of foreigners, they seem toturn a blind eye to the picture. They see only the trees, not the woods.(但个别外国人似乎看不到这一点,他们一叶障目,不见泰山。)

19、A person is sometimes in a position where he has toturn a blind eye to things he disapproves of.(人有时处于这样的境地,对自己不赞成的事只好装作没看见。)

20、You also have a strong sense of justice and can'tturn a blind eye to someone in trouble.(你有很强的正义感,绝不会对别人的麻烦视而不见。)

21、Doting parentsturn a blind eye to their children's misbehavior.(溺爱的家长对他们孩子的不良行为视而不见。)

22、Some nations may be able toturn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries.(有些国家可能对其他国家的暴行睁一只眼闭一只眼。)

23、Make usturn a blind eye to the light, we are dark.(使我们视而不见的光亮,对于我们就是黑暗。)

turn a blind eye to 基本释义

turn a blind eye to

英 [tə:n ə blaind ai tu:] 美 [tɚn e blaɪnd aɪ tu] 

动词熟视无睹; 眼开眼闭; 睹而不见

turn a blind eye to分字造句
