every walk of life的造句
1、No matter how much we're succeeding in pretty much every other walk of life, women are failing miserably at beating ba...
1、No matter how much we're succeeding in pretty much every other walk of life, women are failing miserably at beating back that pesky thing called Mother Nature.(无论我们在生活的各个方面有多成功,女人在反击那个叫“母性”的烦人东西时总是难过不已。)
2、Nowadays, POS has been applied in many fields, from bank to super market,every walk of life.(目前,POS机应用于银行、超市等生活中的许多领域。)
3、The application of computer has penetrated intoevery walk of life.(计算机应用技术已渗透到各行各业。)
4、An investigation of job burnout shows that the level of the police's job burnout is highest inevery walk of life.(据国内关于各行业人群工作倦怠的调查显示:警务人员位列工作倦怠之首。)
5、People fromevery walk of life have at one point used this tool to talk with friends, relatives, or co-workers.(各行各业的人们都曾使用过此工具与朋友、亲属或同事交谈。)
6、I do not believe that every person, inevery walk of life, can succeed in spite of any handicap. That would be perfection.(我并不认为从事任何职业的任何人都能排除一切障碍获得成功——这样的完美不现实。)
7、In order to popularize the use of numerical control machine tool inevery walk of life, we can do relevant technical analysis towards the product according to our clients "request."(为了推广数控机床在各行业的使用,我们可根据客户要求,对产品作出相应的技术分析及工艺节拍。)
8、Confidence is a key to win the rat race inevery walk of life.(自信是生存的关键,也是在各行各业领先取胜的关键。)
9、The school has become a vital part of every community, drawing children fromevery walk of life.(学校已成为每个社会的重要组成部分,引起各行各业的儿童。)
10、AT live sporting events, fans fromevery walk of life come together to cheer on the home team.(在直播的体育节目中,来自各行各业的体育爱好者们聚在一起,为主队加油喝彩。)
11、Inorganic gel is a kind of high value product made from bentonite, which has a wide application inevery walk of life.(无机凝胶是膨润土的一种高附加值产品,在各行业都有广泛的应用。)
12、Along with the development of computer technic, computer has been applied intoevery walk of life.(随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,其身影已经遍布到人类社会活动的各个领域。)
13、Life is just a field of newly fallen snow, and when you choose to walk every step will show.(人生就像刚刚下过雪的一片田野,你从哪里选择走路,你的每一个脚印都会显现出来。)
14、Multimedia intercommunion system as a rising communicating tool has been widely used inevery walk of life in order to promote the work efficiency and competition.(各行各业都在尝试采用多媒体视频会议系统作为一种交流工具,以提高工作效率和竞争力。)
15、WS: The fact that she was able to relate so well to people fromevery walk of life.(是:事实上,她能够与这么好来自各行各业的人。)
16、Similarly, specialization has indirectly affected quite ordinary people inevery walk of life.(同样的,专业化在每个行业也对普通的人产生了一些间接影响。)
17、So it is with many people today—not beggars, mind you—but people inevery walk of life.(现如今的许多人都有这样类似的想法,需要提醒你的是不仅乞丐如此,生活中绝大多数的人都是如此。)
18、Call-center system is becoming more and more important inevery walk of life.(呼叫中心系统在各行各业中所起的作用越来越明显。)
19、All over the world, inevery walk of life, people are eagerly seeking for some one to follow.(环顾整个世界,阅尽各种生活形态,人们总是热切的希望能跟随着某个人。)
20、Entrepreneurs are inevery walk of life.(创业家是在各行各业。)
21、Unfounded biases and prejudices lead to ignorance, and ignorance is a handicap inevery walk of life.(没有根据的偏见会导致无知,而无知会对我们生活中的一切造成障碍。)
22、We will see each other inevery walk of life.(于生命之路每一步履,我们将重见。)
every walk of life 基本释义
every walk of life
英 [ˈevri wɔ:k ɔv laif] 美 [ˈɛvri wɔk ʌv laɪf]