
in particular

拼音 in particular 怎么读

类型 英语造句

in particular的造句


1、Family planning experts worryin particular about the future population explosion in Sub-Saharan Africa.(计划生育专家特别担心撒哈拉以...

1、Family planning experts worryin particular about the future population explosion in Sub-Saharan Africa.(计划生育专家特别担心撒哈拉以南非洲地区未来的人口出现激增。)

2、I'm going to define a class, andin particular, what I'm going to do, is to walk through what that says.(我要定义一个类,特别要做的是,遍历它所表示的内容。)

3、in particular, we engage in two types of comparison.(特别地,我们进行了两种类型的比较。)

4、One playerin particular deserves a mention.(有一名运动员特别值得表扬。)

5、The police haven't really done anything for the black communityin particular.(警方并没有特别为黑人团体做什么。)

6、Instead, they bought sparkling wines from other countries,in particular, from Australia, and Spain.(相反,他们从其他国家(特别是澳大利亚和西班牙)购买起泡酒。)

7、Why should he notice her carin particular?(他为什么要特别注意她的轿车呢?)

8、When it comes to boysin particular, the data show that single-sex education is distinctly unhelpful for them.(尤其是讲到男孩,数据显示,单性别教育显然对他们没有帮助。)

9、This is likely to bring about a physical change to the head,in particular the forehead, will grow larger.(这可能会给头部带来物理变化,尤其是前额,会变大。)

10、All three theories could be particular, the role of perfume as an olfactory disguise is obvious.(这三个理论都有可能是正确的。特别是香水作为气味掩饰的作用是显而易见的。)

11、It's, andin particular, the colon is the start, and the carriage return is the end.(尤其是,冒号是开始,回车意味着结束。)

12、The situation in Ethiopiain particular is worrisome.(埃塞俄比亚的局势特别令人担忧。)

13、Mr Dyson, are there any classesin particular that you're interested in?(戴森先生,有什么你特别感兴趣的课程吗?)

14、Which makes earth, andin particular, the northern hemisphere, warmer.(这使得地球变暖了,尤其是北半球地区。)

15、He had two plans,in particular.(他有两个特别的计划。)

16、Developed countries,in particular, should bear the responsibility for environmental problems.(发达国家尤其应该对环境问题负责任。)

17、I think a lot of people, womenin particular, steer clear of these sensitive issues.(我认为很多人,尤其是女性,有意避开这些敏感问题。)

18、This happens to such a high degree in some children that they appear to be demonstrating talentin particular areas.(这种情况在某些孩子身上会特别明显,以至于他们会在某些特殊的领域显示出异常的天赋。)

19、But it does not really explain how children come to use languagein particular ways.(但它并不能真正解释孩子们怎样逐渐以特定的方式使用语言。)

20、Your children,in particular, will love it—and their bodies and minds will be grateful to you.(特别是,你的孩子会喜欢它——他们的身体和思想都会感激你。)

21、The birds are masters at using sticks to find their food,in particular beetle larvae from the trees.(这些鸟擅长用树枝寻找食物,尤其是树上的甲虫幼虫。)

22、Are you looking for anythingin particular?(你在找什么特别的东西吗?)

23、Despite this problem, many students are still drawn to these institutions—and two-year schoolsin particular.(尽管存在这个问题,许多学生仍然被这些机构(尤其是两年制的学校)所吸引。)

24、He loves science fictionin particular.(他特别喜爱科幻小说。)

25、We can never promise to sail anywherein particular, because the weather might militate against it.(天有不测风云,所以我们永远都不会保证具体航行到哪个地方。)

26、Are teenagersin particular, do you think, sheltered too much from contact with the opposite sex?(你是否认为,青少年尤其受到了过多的保护以避免与异性接触?)

27、This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love lifein particular.(这一年对你们的关系,特别是你们的爱情生活是非常关键的。)

28、She frowned because she remembered that her father and mother had never talked to her about anythingin particular.(她皱起眉头,因为她记得她的爸爸妈妈从来没有和她谈过什么特别的事。)

29、The next question that arises is how I am going to give this to the livestock, and to the cowsin particular.(下一个问题是我要如何把这些东西给牲畜,特别是给牛。)

in particular 基本释义

in particular

英 [in pəˈtikjulə] 美 [ɪn pɚˈtɪkjəlɚ] 

特别; 尤其

in particular分字造句
