

拼音 untrue 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、Scurrilous anduntrue stories were being invented.(有人正在编造虚假诽谤的故事。)2、This story, it later transpired, wasuntrue.(后来得知,此事...

1、Scurrilous anduntrue stories were being invented.(有人正在编造虚假诽谤的故事。)

2、This story, it later transpired, wasuntrue.(后来得知,此事纯属凭空假造。)

3、Most people believe that reading in dim light causes poor eyesight, but that isuntrue.(大多数人认为在昏暗的灯光下阅读会导致视力下降,但这并不正确。)

4、All this, however, wasuntrue; the cat had no cousin, and had not been asked to be godmother.(然而,这一切都不是真的;这只猫没有表姐,也没有被请去做教母。)

5、The story was fabricated and completelyuntrue.(这个故事是编出来的,一点都不真实。)

6、"Yes," she answered; and now she felt that she wasuntrue to Jane as well as to Peter.(“是的。”她回答;现在,她觉得自己对不住简和彼得。)

7、He picked on two of her statements which he said wereuntrue.(他从她的话中挑出了两处他认为不真实的地方。)

8、Again, this isuntrue.(再次,这不符合事实。)

9、She rejected the charge that the story wasuntrue.(她否认了说她编造事实的指责。)

10、This assertion is likelyuntrue.(这种说法很可能是不真实的。)

11、The fact is, it is completelyuntrue.(事实上,这完全是假的。)

12、"There is no bullying at this school" has been a common refrain, almost certainlyuntrue.(“这所学校没有霸凌现象”是一个常见的说法,几乎可以肯定是不真实的。)

13、The allegations were completelyuntrue.(这些指控完全没有事实根据。)

14、But perhaps people tell him things that areuntrue.(可是也许人们会告诉他一些不真实的情况。)

15、"All that gossip about her isuntrue," Balinskaya said.(“所有关于她的流言蜚语都是不真实的”巴林斯卡娅说。)

16、It isuntrue to say that something like this could never happen again.(说这类事情再也不会发生是毫无事实根据的。)

17、I once investigated this story and it seems to be whollyuntrue.(我曾调查过这个传闻,看来它似乎一点都不真实。)

18、The answer is simple: because it's completelyuntrue!(答案是简单的,因为它完全不正确!)

19、Some people go about tellinguntrue stories.(某些人到处传播不真实的事。)

20、Wherever you heard this, it isuntrue — at least partly.(无论您从哪里听到这种说法,都不要相信—至少不能全信。)

21、It means anyone who may see an advantage in implying certain things that areuntrue without explicitly saying somethinguntrue.(它意味着任何人都可以看到暗示某些事情是不真实的好处,而不用明确地说出某些事情是不真实的。)

22、These accusations are totallyuntrue.(这些指控纯属捏造。)

23、She assured the White House that the smears wereuntrue.(她让白宫对涂片检查都是不真实的。)

24、This isuntrue, of course.(这当然言过其实。)

25、But that isuntrue.(但这不是事实。)

26、This and similar claims are common, butuntrue.(这种说法和类似的观点很普遍,但不正确。)

27、The story was completelyuntrue and was successfully challenged in court.(此案情纯属捏造,已在法庭上被揭穿。)

28、If he agreed to their demands, he would have to beuntrue to his own principles.(假使答应他们的要求,他就得背叛自己的原则。)

untrue 基本释义


英 [ʌnˈtru:] 美 [ʌnˈtru] 

副词: untruly 比较级: untruer 最高级: untruest


