gain an advantage over的造句
1、Tom is trying togain an advantage over me by getting Dick's support.(汤姆想通过得到迪克的支持而胜过我。)2、Many athletes have been accus...
1、Tom is trying togain an advantage over me by getting Dick's support.(汤姆想通过得到迪克的支持而胜过我。)
2、Many athletes have been accused of using steroids togain an advantage over other athletes. If an athlete USES steroids, should his or her success count?(许多运动员都曾被指控使用类固醇来战胜对手。那么如果一个运动员使用了类固醇,他的胜出还算数吗?)
3、They also may gain an unfair advantage over less charming colleagues. the researchers suggest. which may hinder a meritocracy.(两位研究者暗示,这些员工还会比魅力较弱的员工获得不公平的优势,这可能会阻碍唯才是举。)
4、Read this passage togain an advantage over other people who don't know which topics to avoid.(读读这篇短文,知道哪些话题应该避免,你将获得比别人更多的优势。)
5、Look for shortcuts togain an advantage over your opponents.(寻找捷径来取得优势,你的对手。)
6、Thus will I plant the seed of tomorrow's success and gain an insurmountable advantage over those who cease their labor at a prescribed time.(我要为明天的成功播种,超过那些按部就班的人。)
7、If you can understand that debt can be good, and carefully learn to use debt as leverage, you willgain an advantage over most savers.(如果你能认识到债务也可以变成好事,并仔细地学习和使用债务作为财务杠杆,你将获得一种大部分储蓄者没有的优势。)
8、Many countries passed laws forbidding the transmutation of metals, even as their Kings secretly patronised alchemy hoping togain an advantage over other monarchs.(即便很多君主私下保护炼金术士,以期超过其他国家,但很多国家还是颁布了法令,禁止运用金属变成金子的方法。)
9、Experiments show that the new system results in higher precision and thusgain an advantage over the traditional ones.(实验证明,采用该算法的系统比传统的检索系统有优势,精度更高。)
10、He has an advantage over me in English, but Igain an advantage over him in math.(他比我在英语上有优势,但是我比他在数学上有优势。)
gain an advantage over 基本释义
gain an advantage over
胜过; 优于