gap year的造句
1、But even the people who took the biggest risks during theirgap year wouldn't hesitate to recommend the experience to t...
1、But even the people who took the biggest risks during theirgap year wouldn't hesitate to recommend the experience to their own children.(不过,甚至连那些在间隔年最冒险的人也会毫不犹豫地建议自己的孩子去经历这样的体验。)
2、The point of agap year is that it should be the time when the school leaver gets to do the thing that he or she fancies.(学业间断年的意义在于它应该是离校生开始做自己喜欢做的事情的时候。)
3、No matter you spend yourgap year on travelling or volunteering, you will have special experience.(不管你把间隔年花在旅行还是做志愿者上,你总能收货特别的经历。)
4、I would like to have agap year before I go to work.(我很乐意在我参加工作以前来一个间隔年。)
5、The First Family was notably missing older daughter Malia, who is currently taking agap year before starting Harvard next fall.(奥巴马一家十分想念正在“间隔年”大女儿的玛利亚,她将在明年秋天进入哈佛大学学习。)
6、On hergap year she literally ran away with a Gypsy - my father, who bred horses.(她在一次休学年(gapyear)毫不犹豫地跟人逃走了——一个养马的吉普赛人,我的父亲。)
7、In 2000, during her "gap year" between high school and college, young Middleton spent time in Florence, Italy.(在2000年,在她高中和大学的“间隔年”,年轻的米德尔顿在意大利的佛罗伦萨度过。)
8、If you want to spend agap year setting yourself up for a specific career, then choose activities that a relevant to that job.(如果你想花一年的休整时间为某一具体职业做好准备,那么就要参与相关的职业活动。)
9、This trend has been motivated in part by Sun Dongchun's 2008 book The Belatedgap year.(这个趋势某种程度上来说是被孙东纯于2008年出版的《迟到的间隔年》所激发出来的。)
10、Despite common misconceptions, agap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits—in fact, it probably enhances it.(尽管存在普遍的误解,但间隔年并不会阻碍学业的成功——事实上,它可能会促进学业的成功。)
11、Thegap year will give them a certain amount of time to study on the real society, and help them make a sound choice of career.(间隔年给了他们足够的时间去研究学习真实的社会,帮助他们在择业的时候做出更理智的选择。)
12、But despite common misconceptions, agap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits—in fact, it probably enhances it.(但是,尽管人们对休学年存在普遍的误解,但它并不会阻碍学术追求的成果——事实上,它可能会促进学术发展。)
13、They said university leavers unable to find jobs should temp or do voluntary work rather than go on agap year.(他们认为那些没办法找到工作的大学毕业生应该尝试去做一些志愿工作而不是在大学继续待一个休假学年。)
14、The popularity ofgap years in China was triggered in 2009 by Sun Dongchun's book "The Lategap year".(自2009年孙东纯的《迟到的间隔年》出版后,“间隔年”开始在中国流行起来。)
15、In fact, logic would suggest that many people who take agap year get better jobs after college than people who don't.(事实上,很多经历过间隔年的人在大学毕业后找到的工作,按道理应该比没经历过的人更好。)
16、Malia a was accepted to Harvard and will attend the prestigious university in 2017 after takinggap year.(玛利亚已经被哈佛大学录取,在一年后,也就是2017年,将进入这所享有盛誉的大学学习。)
17、Taking agap year to figure things out initially can help prevent stress and save money later on.(空档一年,提前把事情想清楚,可以帮助你缓解压力,并在以后节省开支。)
18、One in four over-55s has either been on agap year in the last five years or is planning to take one, according to a report.(报告显示,年过55的人有四分之一在过去的五年内曾经休过“空档年”,或正计划要去。)
19、gap year is a good buffer to the graduates.(间隔年对毕业生来说是一个很好的缓冲。)
20、Agap year is now one of the most talked about phenomena of this millennium.(间隔年是这个世纪被谈论最多的现象之一。)
21、It was a "gap year" that led to her yearlong journey.(正是“间隔年”令她开始了长达一年的旅行。)
22、It's an experience that a lot of kids have in theirgap year - I may be getting too old for that sort of thing.(很多年轻人在休整年都有过同样的经历,我这么做年纪是大了一点。)
23、This supplement lets you have a glimpse of some young people'sgap year experience as reference.(以下我们将带你领略一些年轻人的空档年体验,以供参考。)
24、I'm planning to take agap year and go backpacking in India.(我准备休假一年去印度背包旅行。)
25、We don't have agap year culture like they have in the UK and we don't tend to take vacations longer than a week.(我们并没有英国人“间隔年(译注:指高中毕业到大学入学之间一年的空隙)”这样的文化,也不会放超过一周的假期。)
26、If this truly is the case, agap year may be the way to go.(如果你是他们之一,也许是时候考虑接下来的一年先干点别的什么事儿了。)
27、Agap year is just for you, to see the end of the world.(你正需要一年的空档去看看世界的尽头。)
28、Agap year offers high school graduates a baluable opportunity to ( ).(间隔年为中学毕业生提供了一个宝贵的机会去(认清自己的职业兴趣和目标)。)
29、In the UK a 'gap year' was traditionally viewed as the activity of taking time out before university.(在英国,间隔年传统意义上被视作大学前的旅行。)
gap year 基本释义
gap year