
divided into

拼音 divided into 怎么读

类型 英语造句

divided into的造句


1、It isdivided into three parts of the same length by three entrances with a lawn in the center.(它被三个入口分成三个长度相同的部分,中间有一片...

1、It isdivided into three parts of the same length by three entrances with a lawn in the center.(它被三个入口分成三个长度相同的部分,中间有一片草坪。)

2、The course book isdivided into 30 lessons.(这本教科书分为30课。)

3、The school year isdivided into three trimesters.(一学年分三个学期。)

4、The book isdivided into 4 parts, one for each of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic oceans.(该书分为四个部分,分别对应太平洋、大西洋、印度洋和北冰洋。)

5、The physical benefits of exercise can bedivided into three factors.(锻炼对身体的好处可以分成3个方面。)

6、Brother New York and Brother Michigan are one person, both Napoleon, and he isdivided into two.(纽约老兄和密西根老兄就是一个人,都是拿破仑,他一分为二了。)

7、A fireworks display staged by Servandoni would be structured in the same way as an opera, and was evendivided into separate acts.(由塞尔凡多尼举办的烟花表演设计安排成像歌剧一样,甚至会被分为不同的几幕。)

8、The ways of meeting this challenge can be broadlydivided into six key points, which are outlined below.(迎接这一挑战的方式大致可分为六个要点,概述如下。)

9、In each class, forty pupils aredivided into four groups of ten.(每个班四十名学生被分成四组,每组十人。)

10、A recent study of ancient and modern elephants has come up with the unexpected conclusion that the African elephant isdivided into two distinct species.(一项针对古代和现代大象的研究得出一个出人意料的结论:非洲大象已经分化成两个不同的物种。)

11、Controlled airspace isdivided into several different types, designated by letters of the alphabet.(管制空域分为几个不同的类型,类型用字母命名。)

12、School textbooks aredivided into several units.(学校的教科书分为几个单元。)

13、The three-hour class isdivided into four blocks of 45 minutes each.(三小时的课分成四节,每节45分钟。)

14、The procedure can bedivided into two parts.(这一程序可以分为两部分。)

15、The students weredivided into three groups.(学生们被分成三组。)

16、The organisms can bedivided into discrete categories.(有机体可分为许多互不相联的种类。)

17、A centimetre can be infinitelydivided into smaller units.(一厘米能被无穷尽地分为更小的单位。)

18、It is furtherdivided into four regions, or lobes, in each hemisphere.(每个半球又进一步分化为四个区域或叶。)

19、The system of matrilineal clans was maintained throughout this period, even though some clans merged to form larger groups while othersdivided into smaller descent groups.(尽管一些氏族合并成更大的氏族,而另一些氏族则分裂成更小的氏族,但母系氏族制度在这一整个时期一直保持着。)

20、Twenty four student helpers from Grade 8 weredivided into four groups of six.(二十四名八年级的学生助手被分成四组,每组六人。)

21、The brochure isdivided into two sections, dealing firstly with basic courses and secondly with advanced ones.(小册子分为两部分:第一部分涉及基础课程,第二部分涉及高级课程。)

22、The way we spend our time can bedivided into three "bottles".(我们打发时间的方式可以分为三个“瓶子”。)

23、The volunteers weredivided into two groups to take part in different farm work.(志愿者被分成两组,做不同的农活。)

24、My speech isdivided into three parts.(我的讲话内容分为三个部分。)

25、Sixteen teams are taking part,divided into four groups.(16支队伍参加,它们被分成4组。)

26、The class wasdivided into several groups to talk about different parts of the subject.(全班学生被分成几个组,分别讨论这个课题的不同部分。)

27、The results can bedivided into three main categories.(结果可分为三大类。)

28、The report can be convenientlydivided into three main sections.(这份报告不用费事就可划分为三个主要部分。)

29、All flowing water, though it appears to be uniform, is actuallydivided into extensive inner surfaces, or layers, moving against one another.(所有流水尽管看起来是一样的,实际上是分成了大量相互碰撞的内在表层。)

30、Manhattan isdivided into distinct neighborhoods.(曼哈顿分为几个区,风格各异。)

divided into 基本释义

divided into

divided into分字造句
