1、One recent study found a sort of clevertwist on this.(最近的一项研究发现了其中的一种巧妙的转变。)2、How was he totwist himself through the g...
1、One recent study found a sort of clevertwist on this.(最近的一项研究发现了其中的一种巧妙的转变。)
2、How was he totwist himself through the grating!(他怎么能强行把自己挤压进铁栅栏呢!)
3、If a person does not know how to seriouslytwist the truth from time to time, he cannot be an entrepreneur.(如果一个人不懂得如何不时的严重地歪曲事实,那他就不可能成为企业家。)
4、Why didn't you make an appointment to see the doctor last week when you firsttwist your ankle?(为什么你上周第一次扭伤脚踝时不去预约看医生呢?)
5、He managed totwist himself round in the restricted space.(他设法在有限的空间内转过身来。)
6、By a curioustwist of fate we met again only a week or so later.(由于命运巧妙的安排,大约只过了一周我们又相逢了。)
7、The butterflies left everyone amazed with theirtwist and turns.(蝴蝶的婀娜舞姿让每个人都惊叹不已。)
8、The beginning of love is to let those we love just be themselves and nottwist them with our own image.(爱之初是让我们所爱的人做他们自己,而不是依据自己的想象去扭曲他们。)
9、He gave a shy smile and a littletwist of his head.(他羞怯地笑了笑,略微扭了一下头。)
10、This is another newtwist.(这是另一个新的转折。)
11、She gave the lid anothertwist and it came off.(她又拧了一下,盖儿开了。)
12、Just atwist of the handle is all it takes to wring out the mop.(只需旋转一下那个手柄就可以拧干拖把。)
13、By use the software, I mean bend it,twist it, mash it, smash it, and shove it onto platforms and into tasks it was never designed to do.(通过使用软件,我的意思是,弯曲、扭转、捣碎、粉碎它,把它推放到各种平台上,并推进到原先没有计划要做的任务中。)
14、She's gone completely round thetwist.(她完全疯了。)
15、The disappearance of a vital witness added a newtwist to the case.(一名重要证人失踪,令诉讼出现了新的变数。)
16、The battle of the sexes also took a newtwist.(性别之战也有了意想不到的新进展。)
17、She tried unsuccessfully totwist free.(她试图挣脱身子,但无济于事。)
18、By a strangetwist of fate , Andy and I were on the same plane.(由于命运的奇特安排,我和安迪乘坐了同一架飞机。)
19、Whichever it is, you know everytwist and turn like the back of your hand.(不管是哪一种,你对每一个弯道都了如指掌。)
20、In addition, perhaps left and right-handed snails cannot mate with each other, having incompatibletwist directions.(此外,左旋和右旋蜗牛可能无法交配,因为它们的扭曲方向不相容。)
21、You alwaystwist everything I say.(你总是歪曲我说的每一句话。)
22、All roads no matter how theytwist and turn, can lead us home in our hearts.(所有的路,无论它们如何曲折扭转,都能指引我们回到心灵的家园。)
23、Her hands began totwist the handles of the bag she carried.(她的双手开始拧她拎着的那个包的拎柄。)
24、The story has taken anothertwist.(故事情节再一次变化。)
25、The roadstwist around hairpin bends.(那些道路有很多险弯。)
26、I have to say I am usually the one on the other side asking the questions, so the interview is a funtwist.(我不得不说,通常是我在另一面问问题,因此,这次访谈是一个有趣的转折。)
27、But twin studies took a surprisingtwist in the 1980s, with the arrival of studies into identical twins who had been separated at birth and reunited as adults.(但在20世纪80年代,对出生时被分开而成年后重新团聚的同卵双胞胎进行研究时,双胞胎研究出现了令人惊讶的转折。)
28、It's a shame the way the media cantwist your words and misrepresent you.(媒体歪曲人们的话语及误传人们的本意的作风是可耻的。)
twist 基本释义
英 [twɪst] 美 [twɪst]
形容词: twistable 副词: twistingly 名词: twistability 过去式: twisted 过去分词: twisted 现在分词: twisting 第三人称单数: twists