1、They swore again withdread solemnities.(他们又极其严肃地发了一回誓。)2、I oftendread returning phone calls.(我通常很不愿给别人回电话。)3、"I have o...
1、They swore again withdread solemnities.(他们又极其严肃地发了一回誓。)
2、I oftendread returning phone calls.(我通常很不愿给别人回电话。)
3、"I have often," said Smee, "noticed your strangedread of crocodiles."(“我常常注意到,”斯迈说,“你对鳄鱼有种奇怪的恐惧。”)
4、We lived in mortaldread of him discovering our secret.(因为害怕他发现我们的秘密,我们终日惶恐不安。)
5、Idread to think what will happen in the case of a major emergency.(我不敢想像万一出现重大紧急情况会怎么样。)
6、They greet their children's teenage with needlessdread.(他们怀着不必要的恐惧迎接孩子们的青春期。)
7、Remind yourself that most of what youdread never comes.(提醒你自己大多数你害怕的事情永远不会发生。)
8、These are the people wedread.(这一款是我们害怕的人。)
9、Idread to think what will become of them if they lose their home.(我不敢设想他们如果无家可归将会怎么样。)
10、The prospect of growing old fills me withdread.(想到人会一天天老下去便使我充满恐惧。)
11、She thought withdread of the cold winters to come.(想到寒冬即将到来,她就感到恐惧。)
12、Idread to think what the carbon footprint must be like of moving that coal, but we have no choice.(我都不敢想象为了运这些煤产生了多少碳足迹,但我们别无选择。)
13、My greatestdread is that my parents will find out.(我最担心的就是父母会察觉出来。)
14、After World War II, thedread of another Great Depression gave way to an economic boom.(二战结束后,经济繁荣取代了对另一场经济大萧条的恐惧。)
15、Hath it always thisdread effect?(它总是有这种可怕的效果吗?)
16、He sat in his chair, paralysed withdread.(他坐在他的椅子上,吓瘫了。)
17、Idread sleeping: my dreams appal me.(我怕睡觉:我的那些梦让我害怕。)
18、Faced to the bad guys in a sudden, tortuose voice exposed mydread.(突然面对坏人时,扭曲的呵斥声暴露了我的恐惧。)
19、Alldread afar till morning's back.(所有恐惧,直到早晨回来。)
20、Public speaking fills most people withdread.(公众演讲使大多数人感到恐惧。)
21、Idread being sick.(我特别害怕生病。)
22、She has an irrationaldread of hospitals.(她莫名其妙地害怕医院。)
23、But thisdread is mistaken.(这种忧虑是错误的。)
24、Theirdread of bodily injury gave way at once to distress of a different sort.(她们害怕汤姆身体受伤的恐惧立刻变成了另一种痛苦。)
25、Choose your dinner withdread.(恐惧的去选择晚餐吧。)
26、Idread to think what would happen if there really was a fire here.(我不敢想象假如这儿真的发生火灾会是什么情景。)
27、Do youdread calling in sick?(你怕请病假吗?)
28、This stern-countenanced invalid was thedread Henry VIII.(这个面容严厉的病人就是威严的亨利八世。)
29、You maydread them.(你可能畏惧它们。)
30、What Idread is to get into a rut. One yearns for freshness of thought and ideas.(我害怕的就是墨守成规。人总是向往新思想和新观念的。)
dread 基本释义
英 [dred] 美 [drɛd]
过去式: dreaded 过去分词: dreaded 现在分词: dreading 第三人称单数: dreads