

拼音 abundant 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、They value quiet forests, clear streams andabundant wildlife.(他们珍惜安静的森林、清澈的溪流和多种多样的野生动物。)2、For years, we have assumed...

1、They value quiet forests, clear streams andabundant wildlife.(他们珍惜安静的森林、清澈的溪流和多种多样的野生动物。)

2、For years, we have assumed it was theabundant plant life of the Mesozoic that allowed these giants to thrive.(多年来,我们一直认为是中生代丰富的植物种类使这些巨型生物得以繁衍生息。)

3、Books provideabundant material for readers' imagination to grow.(书籍为读者的想象力成长提供了丰富的素材。)

4、Galeata remains near the warm surface where food isabundant.(Galeata留在食物丰富的温暖表面附近。)

5、Our country has a vast territory andabundant resources.(我国土地辽阔,资源丰富。)

6、Once out there, skilled seafarers would have detectedabundant leads to follow to land.(一旦到了那里,熟练的船员就会发现有大量的线索可以追踪到陆地。)

7、We haveabundant evidence to prove his guilt.(我们有充分的证据证明他有罪。)

8、Fish areabundant in the lake.(湖里鱼很多。)

9、By far the mostabundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; this is the groundwater that circulates as part of the water cycle.(到目前为止,最丰富的地下水资源是雨水;这是地下水在水循环中的一个环节。)

10、They had found, accidentally, that a rare metal, iridium, suddenly became veryabundant exactly at the boundary and then slowly fell away.(他们偶然发现一种稀有金属铱的含量在边界处突然变得很丰富,然后又慢慢地消失了。)

11、These organisms like this areabundant in the world around us and our immune system prevents us from getting sick most of the time.(在我们周围充斥着像这样的生物体,而我们的免疫系统在大多数时候能够抵御疾病。)

12、The early Earth containedabundant radioactive materials.(早期地球含有丰富的放射性物质。)

13、I mean maybe the shrubs will beabundant for a few years, and then it'll change back to tundra.(我的意思是,也许在未来几年里,这里的灌木会很充足,然后它就会变回苔原。)

14、The salt and gypsum, the faunal changes, and the unusual gravel providedabundant evidence that the Mediterranean was once a desert.(盐和石膏、动物群落的变化和不寻常的沙砾充分证明地中海曾经是一片沙漠。)

15、Some of the ventures focus on the Antarctic resources that are already up for grabs, likeabundant sea life.(其中一些探险项目的重点是南极已经可以获取的资源,比如丰富的海洋生物。)

16、Countries that areabundant in natural resources should know how to turn this potential advantage into prosperity.(那些自然资源丰富的国家应学会发挥这种潜在的优势,让国家繁荣昌盛。)

17、This sediment layer is enriched in the rare metal iridium and other elements that are relativelyabundant in a meteorite but very rare in the crust of Earth.(这一沉积层富含稀有金属铱,以及其他在陨石中较丰富而在地壳中十分罕见的元素。)

18、In fact, 24 per cent of our galaxy elemental mass consists of helium, which makes it the second mostabundant element in our universe.(事实上,银河系中24%的元素质量是由氦组成的,这使它成为宇宙中第二丰富的元素。)

19、Many visitors were amazed by the complex architectural space andabundant building types.(许多游客被这里复杂的建筑空间和丰富的建筑类型惊讶到了。)

20、It migrates first to unexploited areas and chomps theabundant low-quality stems before moving on.(它会先迁移到未开发的地区,吃掉大量的低质量的茎秆,然后再继续迁移。)

21、It is a charming land that boastsabundant historical relics and enjoys superb natural environment.(这是一个迷人的地方,历史遗迹丰富,自然环境优美。)

22、There is anabundant supply of cheap labour.(有丰富的廉价劳动力供应。)

23、I have ever hadabundant love experiences.(我曾经有过丰富的感情经历。)

24、If atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide were asabundant now as they were in Earth's earliest atmosphere, the planet's temperature would likely be too hot for most species living today.(如果大气中的甲烷和二氧化碳像地球最早期的大气那样丰富,那么地球的温度对今天生活的大多数物种来说可能太热了。)

25、The chipmunk population increased strikingly due to two successive years ofabundant acorn crops in the forest.(金花鼠数量显著地增加,是因为森林里连续两年丰硕的橡子收成。)

26、Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life moreabundant?(麦当娜(Madonna)和迈克尔·杰克逊(MichaelJackson)都很出名,但谁又能断定他们歌迷的生活会更丰富多彩呢?)

27、The hare actually hasabundant food in the small twigs it finds.(事实上,野兔在它找到的小树枝里有大量的食物。)

28、Wine, bread, olive oil and nuts are other staples of the region, and the Mediterranean Sea has historically yieldedabundant quantities of fish.(该地区的其他主食还有葡萄酒、面包、橄榄油和坚果,而地中海历来盛产鱼类。)

29、He received rudimentary village schooling, but mostly he roamed his uncle's farm collecting the fossils that were soabundant in the rocks of the Cotswold hills.(他只在乡村学校接受了最基本的教育,但大部分时间都在叔叔的农场里游荡,收集科茨沃尔德丘陵中充裕的化石。)

30、Though small, the country hasabundant plants from desert grasses to tropical jungle.(这个国家虽然小,但植物种类丰富,从沙漠草原到热带丛林都有。)

abundant 基本释义


英 [əˈbʌndənt] 美 [əˈbʌndənt] 

副词: abundantly


