1、We were all toopolite to object.(我们都太客气了,没有反对。)2、Gonzales, a quiet and verypolite young man, made a favourable impress...
1、We were all toopolite to object.(我们都太客气了,没有反对。)
2、Gonzales, a quiet and verypolite young man, made a favourable impression.(冈萨雷斯是个文静而又很有礼貌的年轻人,给人留下了很好的印象。)
3、They are alwayspolite and rational people.(他们一直都是有礼貌且理性的人。)
4、Cross cleared his throat and spoke in low,polite tones.(克罗斯清了清喉咙,低声礼貌地说起话来。)
5、He is verypolite to people.(他对人很客气。)
6、Listening is apolite behavior.(倾听是礼貌的行为。)
7、It is not onlypolite.(这不仅是礼貌问题。)
8、She had been surprised at how amiable andpolite he had been.(她对他如此和蔼可亲、彬彬有礼感到了惊讶。)
9、She forced herself to bepolite to them.(她对他们强装客气。)
10、Always keep in mind: bepolite and patient.(永远记住:要有礼貌和耐心。)
11、The tone of his language was diplomatic andpolite.(他说话的语调既圆滑又有礼貌。)
12、In fact, that's notpolite.(事实上,这是不礼貌的。)
13、It is notpolite to interrupt when someone is talking.(打断别人说话是不礼貌的。)
14、You should be morepolite to ladies.(你对女士们要更有礼貌一点。)
15、Bepolite! Shouting or acting rude will get you nowhere.(要有礼貌!大喊大叫或举止粗鲁都不会给你带来任何好处。)
16、Usepolite language and a friendly tone of voice.(使用礼貌的语言和友好的语气。)
17、She was verypolite and ready to help everybody.(她很有礼貌,乐于帮助每个人。)
18、She was calm and resolutelypolite.(她很冷静,而且非常有礼貌。)
19、'Bum' is not a word we use inpolite company.(“屁股”可不是我们当着文雅人的面说的字眼。)
20、We madepolite, stilted conversation.(我们说了些客气呆板的套话。)
21、He's certainly a verypolite young man.(他确实是一个很有礼貌的年轻人。)
22、She is alwayspolite and considerate towards her employees.(她对待雇员总是客客气气,关心体谅。)
23、First, formal language tends to be morepolite.(首先,正式的语言往往更有礼貌。)
24、Because the Smiths arepolite and kind to them.(因为史密斯夫妇对他们很有礼貌和友好。)
25、The performance was greeted withpolite applause.(这场演出得到了礼貌性的掌声。)
26、He's a man of few words, verypolite and unassuming.(他不爱说话,非常有礼貌,也不装腔作势。)
27、She is not verypolite.(她不是很有礼貌。)
28、The letter was brief, and couched in verypolite terms.(这封信内容简短,措辞特别客气。)
29、You have to bepolite.(你必须有礼貌。)
polite 基本释义
英 [pəˈlaɪt] 美 [pəˈlaɪt]
副词: politely 比较级: politer 最高级: politest 名词: politeness