

拼音 nameless 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、In this case, the lambda function remainsnameless: It is created inline as a parameter to the array_filter function.(在...

1、In this case, the lambda function remainsnameless: It is created inline as a parameter to the array_filter function.(在本例中,lambda函数保持没有名字:它是在内侧作为array_filter函数的参数来创建的。)

2、Not to mention those moving cases ofnameless drivers saving lives in traffic accidents.(更不用说一些无名司机拯救交通事故受害者们的感人故事。)

3、Sometimes when I want to say something bold, I stay silent because I just imagine anameless disaster.(有时我想勇敢说出来,但是我沉默了因为我想象了一个无以言表的灾难。)

4、Anameless author wrote that book.(那本书是一位无名作者写的。)

5、Tell how thenameless, condemned for years long 25.(告诉人们无名者,这多年来被控。)

6、I was seized by anameless horror.(我为不可名状的恐慌所控制。)

7、Jet Li isnameless in Hero.(在《英雄》中李连杰无名寂寂。)

8、There, many thousands of years ago, anameless people reverently buried their loved ones.(就在数千年前的此地,一群无名无姓的人虔诚地埋葬了他们所深爱的人。)

9、I run across hills and dales, I wander throughnameless lands — because I am hunting for the golden stag.(我翻山越谷,我游遍许多无名的土地——因为我在追逐金鹿。)

10、According to the memorandum, a so farnameless new company will be producing the Cell CPU and the RSX chip.(据这份备忘录显示,一家还没命名的公司将承担生产Cell及RSX的任务。)

11、You can create and name a function or create anameless function, as I've done.(可以创建并命名一个函数,也可以创建无名的函数。)

12、How else to explain the 46-year-old Californian mom anxious to remainnameless who has popped in to have her elbows done?(如何解释一位来自加利福尼亚的46岁母亲在突然有人来访时焦急地对自己做过肘部整形请求匿名?)

13、He discovered some new andnameless plants.(他发现了一些新的未命名的植物。)

14、nameless One: I see.(无名氏:我看见了。)

15、When you got in the bath you dropped throughnameless waters deeper than regret.(进入浴盆,你会坠入悔之不及的无名海域。)

16、Thisnameless person pushed the human race over a historic threshold, for it was in that year that mankind became, for the first time in its history, a predominantly urban species.(这个无名人士让人类的发展跨出了历史性的一步,因为正是在那一年,人类在其历史上第一次成为主要的城市物种。)

17、The author of the article isnameless.(该文章的作者是匿名的。)

18、nameless One: It insults the dead when you treat life carelessly.(无名氏:如果你不好好珍惜生命,那可是对死者的侮辱。)

19、Were it not for thenameless adventure that awaited them, they would have thrown a pair of dice each evening and agreed that two sixes would end it all.(如果不是那场等待着他们的无名冒险,他们早就每天晚上掷出一对骰子,并同意一掷出两个六就结束这一切。)

20、If lambdas are nothing more thannameless functions, then closures are little more than lambdas with a context.(如果lambdas是没有名字的函数,那么closures仅比lambdas多一个上下文。)

21、You have also given a name to the default,nameless view.(您还为默认情况下没有名称的视图提供了一个名称。)

22、On a snowy cold day they carried his body to anameless grave near the little gray church.(在一个下雪寒冷的日子,他们把他的遗体带到灰色小教堂附近的一个无名冢。)

23、Bring thee to meet his shadownameless elf.(将你带进他的阴影无名的精灵。)

24、You may end up buying their book on the way out, but soon afterwards, it is much like fast food, and you get anameless sense that you've been cheated.(你可能会在出去的路上买他们的书,但它就像快餐一样,你很快就会有一种莫名其妙的感觉,觉得自己被骗了。)

25、He walked up and down the floor, filled withnameless fears, listening, starting at every trifling sound.(他在地板上踱来踱去,心中充满了说不出的恐惧,他仔细的听着,每听到一点小动静都吓一跳。)

nameless 基本释义


英 [ˈneɪmləs] 美 [ˈnemlɪs] 

副词: namelessly 名词: namelessness


