1、'It's a completemess!' she groaned.(“这简直是一团糟!”她叹息道。)2、Dad will give us hell when he sees thatmess.(爸爸要是看见那乱糟糟的样子会骂我们的。...
1、'It's a completemess!' she groaned.(“这简直是一团糟!”她叹息道。)
2、Dad will give us hell when he sees thatmess.(爸爸要是看见那乱糟糟的样子会骂我们的。)
3、This room's in a frightfulmess.(房间里乱七八糟。)
4、The showers are amess.(那些浴室一片狼藉。)
5、You've made a terriblemess of this job.(你把这件事儿搞得一团糟。)
6、He made a God-awfulmess of it!(他把事情弄得一塌糊涂!)
7、I've made such amess of my life.(我把自己的生活弄得一团糟。)
8、The kids made amess in the bathroom.(孩子们把浴室搞得一塌糊涂。)
9、The room was in amess.(这个房间杂乱不堪。)
10、The room was in a terriblemess.(房间里脏乱不堪。)
11、The whole situation is amess.(整个情况都是一团糟。)
12、Who's going to clean up thismess?(这么又脏又乱的,谁来清理?)
13、She looked despairingly at themess.(她一看这乱糟糟的样子,心就凉了。)
14、She's making a dreadfulmess of things.(她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。)
15、Apparently he made amess of his audition.(显然他把试演搞得一团糟。)
16、We're in a propermess now.(我们现在真是一点头绪都没有。)
17、I feel I've made amess of things.(我觉得我把事情搞糟了。)
18、The house is a completemess.(这房子实在太乱了。)
19、Let's try to sort out themess.(我们来收拾一下残局吧。)
20、You made a rightmess of that!(你把这件事完全给弄糟了!)
21、The economy is still an unholymess.(经济仍是一团糟。)
22、Who's responsible for thismess?(是谁弄得这么乱?)
23、My hair's a realmess!(我的头发太乱了。)
24、The economy is in amess.(经济陷入了困境。)
25、And muggins here had to clean up all themess.(而我这个傻瓜现在不得不清理这个烂摊子。)
26、I'll clear up themess later.(我过会儿会把滴落的东西擦干净。)
27、We made a fearfulmess of the room.(我们把房间弄得一团糟。)
28、Everything was in a thoroughmess.(一切都是乱七八糟的。)
29、It's all a bit of amess.(它整个有点儿乱。)
30、Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was amess.(除了异常整洁的厨房外,这个地方一团糟。)
mess 基本释义
英 [mes] 美 [mɛs]
过去式: messed 过去分词: messed 现在分词: messing 第三人称单数: messes