next time的造句
1、Please remember to bring markers and gluenext time.(下次请记得带彩色笔和胶水。)2、next time I won't have to be begged so hard.(下次我一定...
1、Please remember to bring markers and gluenext time.(下次请记得带彩色笔和胶水。)
2、next time I won't have to be begged so hard.(下次我一定不跟你说那么多好话了。)
3、Think twicenext time you want to throw away food.(下次你想要扔掉食物时,请三思。)
4、Never mind, I'll do betternext time.(没关系,下次我会做得更好的。)
5、I honestly don't know how I will react thenext time I meet a potentially dangerous situation.(老实说,下次再遇到有潜在危险的情况时,我不知道自己会如何反应。)
6、next time we'll get it right.(下次我们就不会错了。)
7、Bad luck! Better lucknext time.(这次运气不好,祝下次好运。)
8、Better look out who you're fooling withnext time.(下次你最好小心点,看你是在跟谁开玩笑。)
9、Mind and look sharp after me thenext time.(下次注意留心看住我。)
10、Will she arrive on timenext time?(下次她会按时到吗?)
11、It will be your headnext time, Toady!(下次就是你的脑袋,蛤蟆仔!)
12、I'll pay attentionnext time.(下次我会注意的。)
13、Better lucknext time.(下次一定会走运的。)
14、next time he will keep his words to himself.(下次他会守口如瓶的。)
15、Never mind, I will do betternext time.(没关系,我下次会做得更好。)
16、So may I humbly suggest we all do somethingnext time.(那么我可否愚拙地提议下次我们大家都做点什么。)
17、Pay us a visitnext time you're in Portland.(下次来波特兰的时候来看看我们。)
18、next time you're here let's have lunch together.(下次你到这里来,咱们一起吃午饭。)
19、I'll stop by and see younext time I'm down your way.(下次我去你那一带时会顺道去看你的。)
20、Uh, I'll do betternext time.(呃,我下次会做得更好。)
21、next time I will write something shorter.(下次我会写得短一点儿。)
22、We'll be better preparednext time.(下次我们会准备得更充分。)
23、Do look me up thenext time you're in London.(你下次到伦敦,一定要来看我。)
24、next time I'll keep quiet!(下一次我一定保持安静!)
25、I'll point him out to younext time he comes in.(他下次来的时候,我指给你看。)
26、Be carefulnext time.(下次小心点。)
27、Why don't you look in on menext time you're in town?(你下次进城顺便来看看我好吗?)
28、next time you'd better choose a comedy.(下次你最好选一部喜剧。)
29、next time I'll bring a book.(下次我带本书来。)
30、And I'll play the slides againnext time.(我会在下次放幻灯片时重播。)
next time 基本释义
next time
英 [nekst taim] 美 [nɛkst taɪm]
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