go to work的造句
1、She left school togo to work as a dress model in the garment company.(她离开学校到服装公司当时装模特儿。)2、When food stores close, they...
1、She left school togo to work as a dress model in the garment company.(她离开学校到服装公司当时装模特儿。)
2、When food stores close, theygo to work, pilfering food for resale on the black market.(食品店关闭后,他们就开始工作,偷取食物到黑市上重新贩售。)
3、If people couldgo to work by bus or by bike instead of car or motorbike, it would be helpful in fighting against the problem of SO2.(如果人们可以乘公共汽车或骑自行车去上班,而不是乘汽车或骑摩托车,这将有助于对抗二氧化硫的问题。)
4、I missed the regular bus, so I had togo to work on foot.(早上没赶上班车,没奈何只好步行去上班。)
5、Today is Monday. Igo to work on Monday.(今天是星期一。我星期一上班。)
6、It is sensible to go to school orgo to work by subway instead of by car in the morning.(早上上学或上班的时候搭地铁而不坐车是明智的。)
7、How do yougo to work every day?(你每天是怎么去上班的?)
8、I wish I couldgo to work in a factory, nine to five.(我要是能在一家工厂朝九晚五地上班就好了。)
9、Igo to work on Wednesday.(我星期三上班。)
10、I used togo to work on foot.(我往常都是步行去上班。)
11、Where does shego to work?(她在哪里上班?)
12、I'llgo to work tomorrow.(我明天就去上班了。)
13、go to work happily and go home safely.(高高兴兴上班去,平平安安回家来。)
14、You shouldn'tgo to work.(你不应该还去工作。)
15、I usuallygo to work by bike.(我通常骑自行车上班。)
16、Igo to work at 8 o'clock.(我8点钟去上班。)
17、It was time for him togo to work.(该是他去上班的时间了。)
18、Theygo to work by boat and enjoy it so much that most of them say they will never go by car again.(他们乘船去上班,且非常享受这种方式,以至于大多数人说他们再也不会开车去上班了。)
19、My commuter class—the students whogo to work right after their lesson.(这节课是给每天上下班的人上的——学生上完课就要去工作。)
20、Igo to work so you can eat!(我去上班,所以你才有饭吃!)
21、I feel a bit funny today—I don't think I'llgo to work.(我今天感到有点不舒服,不想上班去。)
22、The following day she felt sufficiently well togo to work.(第二天,她感觉好转,完全可以去上班了。)
23、But sadly, hiring someone to take care of them while yougo to work is getting more expensive by the year.(但可悲的是,雇人在你上班的时候照顾他们,这费用一年比一年贵。)
24、The company operates an arrangement whereby employees may select any 8-hour period between 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. togo to work.(该公司做出了一种安排,据此员工可以在上午6点到晚上8点之间任意选择8个小时去上班。)
go to work 基本释义
go to work
英 [ɡəu tu: wə:k] 美 [ɡo tu wɚk]
上班; 开始行动; 上工; 出工