
Shaolin Temple

拼音 Shaolin Temple 怎么读

类型 英语造句

Shaolin Temple的造句


1、I've been a lot of places but being at theShaolin Temple has brought a tear to my eye.(我去过不少地方,但到了少林寺,我激动得泪水都在眼睛里打转了。)...

1、I've been a lot of places but being at theShaolin Temple has brought a tear to my eye.(我去过不少地方,但到了少林寺,我激动得泪水都在眼睛里打转了。)

2、What do you think of the IPO of theShaolin Temple Limited Corporation?(少林寺股份有限公司要上市了,你怎么看?)

3、Where is theShaolin Temple located?(请问少林寺位于哪里?)

4、A kid rushed into theShaolin Temple and defeated some monks as proof he was qualified for being a disciple of Shaolin Abbot.(一个小孩冲进少林寺,击败了一些僧侣证明他是合格的少林方丈的信徒。)

5、Shaolin Temple is an exciting action movie. Jet Li is in the movie.(《少林寺》是一部激动人心的动作片。)

6、Thousands of tourists come to view theShaolin Temple every year.(每年都有成千上万的游客来参观少林寺。)

7、Li's films include "Shaolin Temple" (1982), "Lethal Weapon 4" (1998), "Romeo Must Die" (2000) and "The Forbidden Kingdom" (2008).(李连杰曾出演过《少林寺》(1982)、《致命武器4》(1998)、《致命罗密欧》(2000)和《功夫之王》(2008)等多部影片。)

8、It's theShaolin Temple in Henan.(这是河南的少林寺。)

9、A crane is sillouetted near theShaolin Temple in Henan Province, October 2, 2011.(河南少林寺旁,起重机的侧影。摄于2011年20月2日。)

10、Yesterday, we visited Daxiong temple hall ofShaolin Temple.(昨天我们参观了少林寺的大雄宝殿。)

11、These movements are said to have merged with self-defense tactics studied in theShaolin Temple.(据说这些动作融合了他在少林寺研究的防身术。)

12、I saw the movie "Shaolin Temple".(我看过电影《少林寺》。)

13、This is the abbot of aShaolin Temple to learn the skills of the elderly, known as one of Shaolin Zen.(这一个少林寺的方丈学习了这个老人的功夫,称为少林内劲一指禅。)

14、Although theShaolin Temple in Berlin is small, its reach is long.(虽然柏林的少林寺很小,但影响范围很广。)

15、The most famous systems includeShaolin Temple system and Mt. Wudang system.(最著名的系统包括少林寺系统和山武当系统。)

16、In 1982, wushu champion Jet li appeared in the filmShaolin Temple.(1982年,武术冠军李连杰主演了电影《少林寺》。)

17、InShaolin Temple, the master is very strict.(在少林寺,师父非常严格。)

18、He points out that martial arts had existed in China for centuries before theShaolin Temple began practicing kung fu.(武术在中国源远流长,早在少林寺建成之前中国人就已开始习武。)

19、This is my first visit toShaolin Temple.(这是我第一次参观少林寺。)

20、Buddhism. After his visit to theShaolin Temple in 1984, he shut himself up on Chongqing's Gele.(在1984年游览少林寺后,他就开始独自一人呆在重庆歌乐山上研读佛经。)

21、The picture above shows a group of New Zealand Wushu athletes posing in front of theShaolin Temple.(上图为一些新西兰武术运动员在少林寺山门前合影留念。)

22、I was studying at the famed and legendaryShaolin Temple, renowned as the birthplace of kungfu.(我在传说中久负盛名的少林寺中学习,这里是被认为是功夫的发源地。)

23、A monk wakes to the early morning surprise of snow covering spring blossoms in aShaolin Temple courtyard.(一名僧人清晨醒来,看到寺庙庭院中怒放的春花被积雪覆盖,表情有些吃惊。)

24、A sea of tourists walks passed theShaolin Temple in Henan Province.(河南少林寺中游人如潮。)

25、Shaolin Temple is well-known in the world. you must have heard of it.(少林寺在世界上很有名,您肯定听说过。)

26、'theShaolin Temple is only a building,' says Kang Gewu, the secretary-general of the Chinese Wushu Association.(中国武术协会(ChineseWushuAssociation)秘书长康戈武表示,少林寺不过是座寺庙。)

27、Monks file to prayer in theShaolin Temple.(少林寺中的和尚们在列队祷告。)

Shaolin Temple 基本释义

Shaolin Temple

Shaolin Temple分字造句
