behind the lines的造句
1、We often write their names on the "Pay to the Order of" lines of our donation checks, but how well do we know the insp...
1、We often write their names on the "Pay to the Order of" lines of our donation checks, but how well do we know the inspiring people behind some of our favorite charities and foundations?(我们经常在捐款支票的收款人栏里填上那几个熟悉的名字,但是又有多少人了解过这些慈善基金创始人的故事呢?)
2、The focus of translation is on the meaning between the lines, beyond the lines andbehind the lines, or rather, the cultural connotations signified.(翻译中的焦点是语符所指代的物外之意、象外之旨,即事物承载的文化内涵。)
3、They want to see the blood and tears behind your lines.(他们想看到你为此血流成河。)
4、The film has numerous lines in Premiere magazine's poll to find the 100 Greatest Movie Lines. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" came in at No 24.(《首映杂志》调查列出了100句最佳电影台词,该电影中的很多台词包括在内,如第24句是:“不要留意帘子后的那个男人。”)
5、Though women weren't usually on the battlefields, some stayedbehind the lines to tend to the wounded.(虽然妇女没有在战场上通常,一些留下的线条趋向伤员。)
6、They want to see the blood and tears behind your lines. The crowd's admiration is sadistic.(他们想在你说完之后看到鲜血与眼泪。群众的赞赏是施虐的赞美。)
7、In the presence of a strong magnetic field, the red blood cells form chains that align themselves with the field lines where convoys of red blood cells line up behind a leading cell.(在强磁场的影响下,红细胞会顺着磁场线的方向排列成细胞链,其中会有若干红细胞在领头细胞之后排列成一队。)
8、In starting propaganda work in new villagesbehind the lines, he found that people were scared to open their doors at night, so he had no way to call meetings and get in touch with his public.(他发现,在敌后新开辟的村子里开展宣传工作时,人们在夜里不敢出门,这样他就没办法召集会议同群众见面。)
9、After leaving the smell of land behind him, he set his lines.(在把陆地的气息抛在身后之后,他放下了钓丝。)
10、Unfortunately, a single front door means there is a single point of failure in consumers' minds — even when the product lines behind it are robust.(不幸的是,一个单一的门户,在消费者看来就是一个单一的故障点——哪怕这个门户后面的产品线很强劲。)
11、The training programme, mostly undertaken by special forces who may need to operate behind enemy lines, involves a brutal war game that is almost as stressful as real combat.(这个训练课程重点为需要进行敌后行动的特种部队提供训练,其中包括一个如真实般紧张而又残酷的战场游戏。)
12、Green tents at the bottom of Pheasant Wood mark the position of eight pits dug hurriedly behind the German lines in 1916.(在雉鸡林的尽头竖起的绿色帐篷,标志着八个坑的位置,是1916年在德国战线后方仓促地挖出来的。)
13、behind the lines of these fantastic lands sits a young woman who has battled countless rejections.(在这些奇幻世界的身后,一个年轻女孩四处碰壁,但却斗志顽强。)
14、The basic idea behind this extension is to count the number of lines and characters in a file and report the results on a new TAB of the file properties page.(这一扩展背后的基本思想是计算文件中的行数和参数个数,并在文件属性页的新选项卡中报告结果。)
15、They infiltratedbehind the lines so AS to annoy the emery replacements.(他们渗透敌后以便骚扰敌军的调度。)
16、Yet the Field Mouse did much of his workbehind the lines with the aid of peasant women.(然而,地老鼠在敌后的许多工作还是多亏了农村妇女的帮助。)
17、Instead, you'll see lines of cult followers passively standing in front of screens, their faces riddled with the anxiety and discomfort of someone terrified they are behind the technological times.(你看到的是成队的狂热粉丝被动地站在屏幕前,他们的脸上满是焦虑和不安,就是那些生怕自己被科技时代抛下的人的表情。)
18、The view from the volcano - the valley with the transmission lines and a small crater in the foreground. Behind the crater is the lake into which a few cars fall annually.(从火山口可以看山谷的输电线路,照片的最前面是一座小火山口,在它之后是一片湖水,每年都有不少车掉进去。)
19、Everything was chaos and confusion and the people that were cut offbehind the lines were cast into darkness.(到处是混乱和混淆,被划入那个圈的人们被置入黑暗。)
20、Behind the pillboxes were more lines of barbed wire and more trenches and dugouts reinforced with concrete to withstand artillery bombardment.(在这些机枪碉堡后方是更多的铁丝网、更多的壕沟,以及使用混凝土进行强化并能承受炮火轰击的掩蔽部。)
21、One went down behind enemy lines - the cause was unknown - and the Pentagon said the two-person crew had been taken prisoner.(一架飞机在伊作战线后方跌落--事故原因未知--五角大楼表示有两名飞行员被俘虏。)
22、An imam calls the crowd together, asks them to take off their shoes and arranges them in two lines, women behind men, facing east.(一位教长要求众人聚到一起,脱下鞋子,排成两行,女人在男人背后,面朝东方。)
23、The soldiers were ordered to retreat to safer positionsbehind the lines.(士兵们奉命撤退到后方较为安全的阵地上去。)
24、behind the lines, however, life was less spectacular.(然然而,在后方,生活却没有这般壮观。)
behind the lines 基本释义
behind the lines