
in half

拼音 in half 怎么读

类型 英语造句

in half的造句


1、When they hit the trees, the impact can snap themin half.(当它们撞到树上时,冲击力会让它们断成两半。)2、The illness is dangerous, because it...

1、When they hit the trees, the impact can snap themin half.(当它们撞到树上时,冲击力会让它们断成两半。)

2、The illness is dangerous, because it is involvedin half of all automobile accidents.(这种病很危险,因为在所有的交通事故中,有一半都与它有关。)

3、Cut the circular cakein half and set each semicircle against adjoining sides of the square to form the top of the heart.(把圆形蛋糕切成两半,把每个半圆放在正方形的两边,形成心形的顶部。)

4、She sawed the plankin half.(她把木板锯成两截。)

5、in half a dozen words, he had explained the bond that linked them.(他用五六个字解释了将他们联系在一起的那种关系。)

6、He snapped the stickin half.(他喀嚓一声把棍子折成两段。)

7、There was a machine in the kitchen which could extract the juice of two hundred orangesin half an hour if a little button was pressed two hundred times by a butler's thumb.(厨房里有一台机器,只要管家用拇指按下小按钮两百次,半小时就能榨出两百个橙子的汁。)

8、Naomi Muriuki, 58, took the initiative to tell everyone that this device could reduce the amount of firewood usedin half.(58岁的纳奥米·姆里乌基弯腰主动地给大家讲这种装置能使柴火用量减少一半。)

9、in half an hour's whirl of activity she does it all.(在半个小时马不停蹄的忙碌中,她做完了这一切。)

10、My life will pick me upin half an hour.(我妻子在半小时内会来接我。)

11、We'll be therein half an hour.(我们半小时后就能到那儿。)

12、Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can initially cut the average speed of driversin half.(有研究表明,在道路上画上笔直的横杆,可以在开始将司机的平均速度降低一半。)

13、Cut the plum tomatoesin half.(把这个李子形番茄对半切开。)

14、The workers were not better organized, otherwise they would have accomplished the taskin half the time.(没有更好地把工人们组织起来,否则他们用一半的时间就能完成任务。)

15、She would break my biscuitsin half to be certain I wouldn't choke.(她会把我的饼干掰成两半,以确保我不会噎着。)

16、The agriculture sector must be placed at the center of development to cutin half extreme poverty and hunger by 2015.(必须把农业部门放在发展的中心,才能在2015年把极度贫困和饥饿人口减少一半。)

17、I snapped the pencilin half.(我啪的一声将铅笔折成两段。)

18、If he doesn't go to sleepin half an hour, you must call me.(如果他半小时后还不睡觉,你就得叫我。)

19、in half an hour, they'd switched the tags on every cable.(半个小时内,他们换了每根电缆的标签。)

20、When we are making paper cuttings, we usually fold the red paperin half and then cut it with scissors.(当我们剪剪纸时,我们通常将红色的纸片折成两半,然后用剪刀剪。)

21、Cut one large onionin half and tie the half an onion to the bottom of each of your feet.(把一个大洋葱切成两半,然后把这半个洋葱绑在脚的底部。)

22、Hang on. I'll be readyin half a minute.(等一下。我马上就准备好了。)

23、I've divided the moneyin half.(我把钱平均分成了两半。)

24、The change cut their expendituresin half, but the new living arrangement proved too challenging.(这一变化使他们的开支减少了一半,但新的生活安排太具有挑战性了。)

25、The straight white parting in her ebony hair seemed to divide the back of her headin half.(她乌黑头发中笔直的白色分发线似乎把她的后脑勺分成了两半。)

26、Their wages have been cutin half to a measly $410 a month.(他们的工资已经被削减一半,每月只有少得可怜的410美元。)

27、If the chicken is fairly small, you may simply split itin half.(要是鸡不太大,你把它分成两半就行。)

28、Can you break this pillin half for me?(你能帮我把这药丸掰成两半吗?)

29、Please checkin half an hour prior to departure.(请在起飞前半小时办理登机手续。)

30、in half the cases, the experimenters patted the students lightly on the back of the shoulder for about one second while providing verbal instructions about the study.(在一半的案例中,实验者在提供关于研究的口头说明的同时,会轻轻拍拍学生的肩膀,持续了大约一秒钟的时间。)

in half 基本释义

in half

in half分字造句
