

拼音 kindred 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、And they said unto her, There is none of thykindred that is called by this name.(他们说,你亲族中没有叫这名字的。)2、Let me tell you, w...

1、And they said unto her, There is none of thykindred that is called by this name.(他们说,你亲族中没有叫这名字的。)

2、Let me tell you, what is the real force ofkindred!(让我来告诉你,血族真正的力量!)

3、He claimskindred with royalty.(他声称跟王室有亲戚关系。)

4、Then sent Joseph, and called his father Jacob to him, and all hiskindred, threescore and fifteen souls.(约瑟就打发弟兄请父亲雅各,和全家七十五个人都来。)

5、I recall many discussions with her on these andkindred topics.(我回想起多次同她就这些问题及类似话题进行的讨论。)

6、We view what we do as a joyous endeavor which helps manykindred souls realize their full potential.(我们认为我们所做的一切犹如欢乐的努力,帮助许多本族的灵魂实现他们的潜力。)

7、Or how can I endure to see the destruction of mykindred?(何忍见我同宗的人被灭呢。)

8、We're only fifteen years old andkindred spirits.(我们才十五岁而且有着年轻的心态。)

9、And we discovered that we hadkindred spirits, too.(我们发现我们有相似的精神。)

10、As temperatures rise further, these AOC laws andkindred regulations are certain to face increased challenge.(随着气温进一步上升,这些法定产地法及类似规则肯定会面临更大挑战。)

11、And he said unto him, I will not go; but I will depart to mine own land, and to mykindred.(何巴回答说,我不去。我要回本地本族那里去。)

12、Most of hiskindred still live in Ireland.(他的亲戚大部分仍住在爱尔兰。)

13、Tennessee said that he and I werekindred spirits and wanted us to work together.(田纳西说,他和我志同道合,希望我们能一起合作。)

14、The simple human need to find akindred. To connect.(人类有找到自己血脉的需要有与他人相知的需要。)

15、Conservatives have long celebrated Mr Murdoch as akindred spirit and business buccaneer.(长期以来,保守人士一直称赞默多克先生为同道中人和商业冒险家。)

16、- and sad, because he missed his heavenlykindred!(——他也很伤心,因为他思念他在天国里的亲属!)

17、English and Dutch arekindred languages.(英语和荷兰语是同源的语言。)

18、"Thekindred meets" had brought the unexpected result in practice, but its drawback can't be ignored.(“亲情会见”在实践中带来了意想不到的效果,但其弊端亦不容忽视。)

19、There is no one to meddle, Sir. I have nokindred to interfere.(没有人会干涉,先生。我没有亲人来干预。)

20、I found in him akindred spirit.(我发现他是一个和我性情相投的人。)

21、Somekindred spirit shall inquire thy fate.(有心类君者,将君命运探。)

22、But thou shalt go unto my father's house, and to mykindred, and take a wife unto my son.(你要往我父家,我本族那里去,为我的儿子娶一个妻子。)

23、Some forge their own course, guided by faith, seeking not a location, but akindred soul.(一些人由信念指引,开拓他们自己的道路,他们寻找的不是一个地点,而是一个同样的灵魂。)

24、Her best friend andkindred spirit is Diana Barry.(她最好的朋友和与之志同道合的人是戴安娜﹒巴里。)

25、Michelle Obama, too, will surely be delighted to learn that Miyuki sees in her akindred spirit.(如果知道鸠山幸把自己当作志趣相投的人,米歇尔·奥巴马肯定也会欣喜万分。)

kindred 基本释义


英 [ˈkɪndrəd] 美 [ˈkɪndrɪd] 

名词: kindredness



