
run up against

拼音 run up against 怎么读

类型 英语造句

run up against的造句


1、Getting IronRuby built and run successfully has some possible issues associated with it and Justin handles all of the...

1、Getting IronRuby built and run successfully has some possible issues associated with it and Justin handles all of the scenarios he came up against, explains what they are and how to get around them.(编译和运行IronRuby中可能发生一些问题,Justin处理了他所遇到的所有情形,解释了它们是什么和如何解决。)

2、Have yourun up against any problems in getting your passport renewed?(你在护照续签时遇到什么问题了吗?)

3、If you try to change the name of the school you willrun up against a lot of opposition.(倘若你要更换学校的名称,你会遭到多人的反对。)

4、Over the course of a long marriage, you’re bound torun up against financial issues that you didn’t plan for.(在漫长的婚姻旅途中,你注定会遇到史料未及的财务问题。)

5、In the long run, ensuring women's access to earnings will speed up both the economic recovery and the fight against poverty.(从长期看,确保妇女获得收入将有助于加快经济复苏和减贫进程。)

6、But this wouldrun up against Putin and Russia's veto.(但是这会遭到普京的反对,俄罗斯会投反对票。)

7、Every time we try to get the scheme going we seem torun up against yet another problem.(我们每次试图执行计划时,似乎又碰到了另一个困难。)

8、A creature must balance perfecting a skill or trait (building up legs to run faster) against experimenting with new traits (wings).(生物必须在完善现有技能、特质(练腿力以便跑得更快)与尝试新特质(翅膀)之间作取舍。)

9、Homes are 30% overvalued against the long-run ratio of prices to rents, the gauge used in the Economist's quarterly round-up of global house prices.(相比长期租金比率,住房价格被高估30%——引自《经济学人》的全球房价季度汇编。)

10、If he tries to change the rules of the club he willrun up against a lot of opposition.(如果他想改变俱乐部的章程,就会遇到很多反对意见。)

11、In Africa, such efforts haverun up against stiff opposition from the transnational tobacco companies, whose revenues dwarf the economies of some African countries.(在非洲,这些努力成果遭到了跨过烟草公司的强烈反对,这些跨过烟草公司所在的国家经济收入比其他一些非洲国家的要少。)

12、Yet the new products canrun up against longtime habits and even cultural concepts of cleanliness.(但新的产品可能会与以往长期的习惯,甚至是清洁的文化概念相冲突。)

13、If he tries to change the rules of the club he willrun up against a lot of oppositions.(如果他企图改变俱乐部的规定,他就会遭到许多人的反对。)

14、You can't give up the moment yourun up against difficulty.(不能遇到点困难就打退堂鼓呀。)

15、Whether you are prototyping to prove a concept, developing a new application from the ground up, or just studying SQL, you need test data to run your application against.(无论您是在用原型证明某一概念,还是开发一个全新的应用程序,或者只是学习SQL,您都需要在您的应用程序上运行测试数据。)

16、Also, if yourun up against obstacles, it is critical to let management know right away.(同时,如果你碰到的障碍,关键是要让管理层知道吧。)

17、I dream I canrun up against strangers just like those people in the movies, get to know each other then become friends;(总期待能象电影里那样偶遇陌生人,从搭讪到相识相知;)

18、In keeping a diary in English, we inevitablyrun up against a lot of difficulties.(坚持用英语写日记,我们不可避免地要遇到很多困难。)

19、Up until now, it was possible to run unit tests against your personal Twitter account without anybody knowing what you were up to.(到目前为止,可以在个人Twitter帐户上运行单元测试,而其他人并不知道您要干什么。)

20、Even so, you'veprobably alsorun up against people who love your idealism, but warn you tolower your sights, to scale back your ambitions a bit, to settle for somethingless.(虽然如此,你可能已经遇到了一些人非常欣赏上你的理想主义,但是同时也告诫你要放低你的眼光,稍稍丈量你的野心,把自己的梦想放低一些。)

21、Before long Irun up against my own constraints, and the van slows and pulls to the side of the six-lane highway to let me out.(很快,我就碰到了自己的约束条件。这辆面包车减速,停靠在一条六车道高速公路旁——我该下车了。)

22、We'verun up against a big problem .(我们碰到了一个大问题。)

23、Don't back up the moment yourun up against a little difficulty.(不要遇到一点困难就打退堂鼓。)

24、That means telecoms can finally put fiber-optic lines into people’s homes, where cables oftenrun up against right angles and tight squeezes from the sidewalk to the house.(这意味着电信公司终于可以把光纤铺进千家万户了——在市内电缆经常要沿着墙角拐许多弯并被紧订在墙上。)

run up against 基本释义

run up against

英 [rʌn ʌp əˈɡenst] 美 [rʌn ʌp əˈɡenst] 

遇到; 遭遇(困难等)

run up against分字造句
