
tip off

拼音 tip off 朗读怎么读

类型 英语造句

tip off的造句


1、Workers are most likely to inform peers of uncomfortable situations such as undone zippers or bad breath and least lik...

1、Workers are most likely to inform peers of uncomfortable situations such as undone zippers or bad breath and least likely totip off their superiors, according to research released on Thursday.(本周四公布的一项显示,职场人士最有可能提醒同事如拉链“没关门”或口臭等难堪事,但却很少提醒此类“糗事”。)

2、What items in a guy's apartment tip you off that he's a bachelor?(在男人的房间里里是什么向你泄露了他们是单身汉呢?)

3、On the last go, on the last move, my finger blasted off this tiny crimper, and I ripped my entire finger-tip-callous off.(在最后一步,我的手指从岩壁上小小的crimp点上脱落,指尖厚厚的硬茧全飞了。)

4、His scheme, involving several international crime syndicates and transactions worth millions of dollars, was uncovered in "Operation Mali" and began with a tip-off about a man named Alan Jones.[9](根据一个名叫AlanJones的人提供的情报,实施的“马里行动计划”揭露了他的阴谋策划:它涉及几个大型国际犯罪团伙,交易金额价值数百万美元。)

5、Just don't forget to carefully trim thetip off each claw before applying the nail cap.(只是不要忘记仔细修剪爪通风报信每个申请前钉帽。)

6、Only the lyrics to the songs provide a tip-off this is not your classic staging of Mamma Mia!(只有歌词提示你这不是经典的舞台剧妈妈咪呀!)

7、Looks can be deceiving, but it got me to wondering if there are certain nuances of a guy's place thattip off that he's single.(眼睛是可能被欺骗的,但这使我好奇起来:是否在男生们住的地方真有一些细微的差别来泄露他们是否单身呢?)

8、The man was arrested at his home after a tip-off to police from a member of the public.(在警方收到一名平民的举报之后,这名男子在家被捕了。)

9、The 26th Asian Championship willtip off in China's Wuhan on September 15th.(第26届亚锦赛将于9月15日在中国武汉揭幕。)

10、After reading this log, is not there a lot of experience, quickly comment about it. The owner is looking forward to Oh!tip off.(看完此日志,是不是也有很多感受,赶快点评一下吧。主人很期待哦!关闭提示。)

11、He was arrested a few streets away from his house after police received a tip-off as to his whereabouts.(接到有关其行踪的密告后,警方在距其房屋几条街远的地方将其抓获。)

12、For example, the most successful trial lawyers are those who can look at a jury and a judge and pick up little cues thattip off what people are thinking.(例如,大多数出庭辩护的律师都懂得观察陪审团和法官(的表情),并找出能够揭示人们内心所想的一些细小的线索。)

13、Tip: Shake off shoulds and own your life.(提示:把“应该”从自己的生活中甩掉。)

14、He said a number of false leads had been generated over the years, including a 2002 tip-off that the comic was in a safety deposit box in Tennessee.(他说近几年有很多错误的引导包括2002年一个举报说该漫画被存放在田纳西的一个保险箱里。)

15、The heavy reliance on message passing and the notion that Self applications are always running should tip you off that late binding is a central theme in Self.(从Self对消息传送的严重依赖以及Self应用程序一直运行这一概念可以看出:延迟绑定是Self的中心课题。)

16、A quick tutorial teaches netizens what to look in the image overload, so that they cantip off scientists about possible solar storms forming.(通过快速指南,网民知道要在众多图像中寻找什么东西,从而他们能够向科学家透露可能正在形成的太阳风暴。)

17、But don't expect anyone to tip you off-you have to look around for yourself.(但不要指望别人向你泄露天机——你需要自己去发现。)

18、Photo Tip: Turn off your flash and set your camera to manual mode.(照片说明:关闭闪光灯,将相机设为手动模式。)

19、And once you're on the boss's good side, it won't be long before he or she willtip off higher management about your talent and good attitude.(一旦你的上司对你有好的认同感,不久后他(她)将会对你的才能与良好态度提供更高的管理职位。)

20、Arrogant behavior is a tip-off that the person is more likely to be deceptive (though not all arrogant people lie.)(傲慢的行为透露了这个人比较可能骗人(当然不是每个傲慢的人都会骗人。))

21、What else about the letters that you heard might tip you off that they're pseudonymous? Yes sir.(信里还有哪些地方,让你们觉得它们是冒名写成的?好的,先生。)

22、Did Nancy want him totip off the irs confidentially?(南希是否希望他秘密地向国内税收局通个风?)

23、The man was arrested after an anonymous tip-off.(有人匿名举报后,那个人被抓了起来。)

24、Tip 3: Have customers sign off on all input and output forms.(技巧3:让客户确认所有的输入输出表单。)

25、He was living with a friend when, acting on a tip-off, the police arrested him.(警察逮捕他时,他正和一个朋友住在一起,执行一项密报。)

26、A tip-off led to the basement of a house recently vacated by Mr Rodenstock and the discovery of piles of blank labels, corks and other counterfeiter's paraphernalia.(由于走露风声,罗德斯托克先生最近搬离了一栋住宅的地下室,人们在那里发现了成捆的标签,瓶塞和其它造假工具。)

tip off 基本释义

tip off

英 [tip ɔf] 美 [tɪp ɔf] 

事先给警告(或暗示); 告密

tip off分字造句
