bring on的造句
1、Overnight delivery and luggage forwarding services are also an option if you have a lot of materials or samples tobrin...
1、Overnight delivery and luggage forwarding services are also an option if you have a lot of materials or samples tobring on a business trip.(如果你的差旅途中必须携带大量物品,隔夜交货和行李转寄服务不失为一个选择。)
2、The first is to start small,bring on early adopters, demonstrate the application's value, and move gradually towards global deployment.(第一种方式是小规模启动,引进给早期的采用者(译者:接受这种方式的员工),向他们展示该应用的价值,然后有层次地向全局部署推进。)
3、They'dbring on several hundred employees to what would become PayPal.(他们雇了几百个员工成立了后来的Paypal。)
4、bring on the sovereign wealth funds!(还有你们的主权财富基金!)
5、Macy's (M) plans tobring on 78, 000 people for the holidays, a 4% increase over last year's holiday hiring.(梅西百货(Macy's)则计划为圣诞节招聘78,000名新员工,这一数字比去年增长了4%。)
6、Even seeing an act of kindness canbring on more ACTS of kindness.(甚至看到一个善举就能带来更多的善举。)
7、Don't let the digestion of these factsbring on a stomach ache, though.(但是不要因为消化这些事实而让你肚子疼,虽然事实如此。)
8、Way back when Rogue Amoeba was nearing its third birthday, we were excited tobring on our first employee – Mike Ash.(回想罗格-阿米巴快过3岁生日的时候,我们异常兴奋,因为要迎来我们的第一个员工——麦克——阿什。)
9、Focusing on relationships rather than material items willbring on a feeling of warmth and closeness, so you benefit both ways.(关注人际关系,而不是那些物质的,这会给你带来温暖亲密的关系,所以你会多重受益。)
10、Anything canbring on that special moment — music, smells, photos.(任何事物都会带来特别的时刻——音乐,气味和照片。)
11、So despite what you read from me here or on Zen Family Habits I'm not perfect, I don't live in a "bring on a photo shoot" ready home.(无论你是从这篇文章或禅居里读到过我写的东西,我都并不完美。我的家不是“随时准备上镜”般整齐。)
12、But believe me, free enterprise and sound money did notbring on this problem.(相信我,我们的麻烦并不是自由市场和健全的货币带来的。)
13、It's much more flexible than a traditional laptop case, and has enough room for everything I'd hoped tobring on my six month trip.(它比传统的手提电脑的包更加柔韧,而且有足够的空间让我存放六个月的旅行中我想带的物品。)
14、Times of ease and plenty canbring on the same longing.(安逸富足的时期也会出现相同的渴望。)
15、The evils webring on ourselves are the hardest to bear.(自己作的孽最难熬。)
16、That incident will surelybring on a crisis.(那个事件肯定会导致一场危机。)
17、It can consume our assets,bring on mental stress and even hurt our relationships.(它销蚀我们的财产,带来精神上的压力,甚至会损害家庭关系。)
18、bring on awesome people is probably the biggest challenge of any early-stage startup.(培养优秀的人才对于早期阶段的初创企业来说可能是最大的挑战。)
19、Your eyes will not see all the disaster I am going tobring on this place.(我要降与这地的一切灾祸,你也不至亲眼看见。)
20、To find the reason why a drill mightbring on a racing heart, Karibe divided the volunteers into low fear and high fear groups based on how much they feared a trip to the dentist.(为了找出钻头可能导致心跳加速的原因,Karibe根据志愿者对看牙医的恐惧程度,将他们分为低恐惧组和高恐惧组。)
21、The Blackberry sports a great game simply called Chuck Norris:bring on the Pain.(黑莓炫耀它的一个游戏就简简单单称为“查克·诺理斯:引起烦恼的家伙”。)
22、Taking a hot shower or bath before bed helpsbring on sleep because they can relax tense muscles.(临睡前冲个热水澡或淋浴也能助你好眠,因为热水澡可以让紧张的肌肉得到放松。)
23、These eye drops canbring on asthma symptoms, including cough.(这类眼药水可诱发包括咳嗽在内的哮喘症状。)
24、bring on the Bling: in the custom auto industry, the word dub conjures up images of tricked-out cars, big wheels and celebrities.(走上闪耀的舞台:在汽车定制行业中,DUB这个词会让人立刻联想到装饰豪华的车子、大号轮胎、还有大明星。)
25、bring on the Gold Coast!(去参加我的黄金海岸比赛吧!)
26、Aquarius:bring on the compliments Your friends love to get your approval.(水瓶座:不要吝惜赞美他人你的好友渴望得到你的肯定。)
bring on 基本释义
bring on
英 [briŋ ɔn] 美 [brɪŋ ɑn]
引起; 使发展; 使出现; 提出