

拼音 insignificant 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、Likewise, there are noinsignificant ministries in the church.(同样地,教会里亦没有不重要的事工。)2、5 - "Because they spend too much tim...

1、Likewise, there are noinsignificant ministries in the church.(同样地,教会里亦没有不重要的事工。)

2、5 - "Because they spend too much time oninsignificant issues".(5—因为他们花费太多时间在无谓的问题上。)

3、35% of the population, a plurality, believed that the economic reforms would result in onlyinsignificant change.(35%的多数民众认为经济改革只会带来微乎其微的变化。)

4、In the decade after 1993, e-commerce grew from aninsignificant novelty to a mainstream business influence.(在1993年之后的十年里,电子商务从一个不起眼的新生事物发展成了一种主流商业影响力。)

5、Days when you feel small andinsignificant.(那些日子总会让你感到自己的渺小和微不足道。)

6、The influence of the party among the workers isinsignificant.(党在工人中的影响也微不足道。)

7、But Nepal is neitherinsignificant nor irrelevant.(尼泊尔并不是一个微不足道的国家。)

8、That's not to say that the outcome of the San Bernardino case isinsignificant.(这并不是说圣贝纳迪诺案的结果不重要。)

9、He made her feelinsignificant and stupid.(他使她感到卑微愚蠢。)

10、In 1949 Bonn was a small,insignificant city.(1949年,波恩还是个不足称道的小城市。)

11、The order of this sequence isinsignificant.(序列的次序无关紧要。)

12、The levels of chemicals in the river are notinsignificant.(河水中的化学物质含量不容忽视。)

13、And so, it is not a sort ofinsignificant part of distant history.(因此,这并不是遥远历史中不太重要的部分。)

14、Don't get discouraged. Your efforts may seem small andinsignificant.(你的努力可能看起来又小又不引人注目。)

15、This ensures that changesinsignificant in XML will be correctly accommodated.(这样就可以保证XML中认为不重要的变动会被正确地接纳。)

16、And this is notinsignificant.(这也不是毫无意义的。)

17、It soundsinsignificant, but it was the biggest such gain since 2003.(这看起来微不足道,但却是2003年以来的最大增幅。)

18、All this to say the workload is notinsignificant.(现在来看这工作量不是无关紧要的。)

19、I felt soinsignificant passing through those mountains.(我觉得穿过这些山脉太没有意义了。)

20、Although the proportion of new cars in Donia's capital city has always been comparatively high, nitrogen dioxide emissions there have shown only aninsignificant decline since 1993.(尽管在Donia的首都城市,新车的比例一直相对较高,那里的二氧化氮排放量自1993年以来仅略有下降。)

21、Your mass isinsignificant compared with the earth's.(你的重量跟地球比起来简直微不足道。)

22、Best of all, advocates of drilling say, damage to the environment would beinsignificant.(支持钻井的人们说,最好的一点是它对环境的破坏是微乎其微的。)

23、Our boss dislikes being overburdened withinsignificant detail.(我们老板不喜欢疲于应付次要的细节。)

24、This means nothing that happens in your life isinsignificant.(这就意味着你生命里发生的事情没有无关紧要的。)

25、Nothing is too great for God’s power. Nothing is tooinsignificant for his care.(没什么事大过神的能力,也没什么事微不足道,让神可以不必在乎。)

26、My own problems seeminsignificant compared with other people's.(与别人的问题相比,我自己的问题似乎算不得什么。)

27、The rich were included but the Numbers were statisticallyinsignificant.(有钱人也包括其中但是数量无足轻重。)

insignificant 基本释义


英 [ˌɪnsɪgˈnɪfɪkənt] 美 [ˌɪnsɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] 

副词: insignificantly


