
fire alarm

拼音 fire alarm 怎么读

类型 英语造句

fire alarm的造句


1、Most are also equipped with automaticfire alarm systems.(大多数还配备了火灾自动报警系统。)2、The necessity of installing the residual c...

1、Most are also equipped with automaticfire alarm systems.(大多数还配备了火灾自动报警系统。)

2、The necessity of installing the residual currentfire alarm system was analyzed.(分析了设置剩余电流火灾报警系统的必要性。)

3、We are all exhausted and collapse into our dorms - but are woken suddenly by afire alarm.(我们都累坏了,瘫倒在自己的房间里,但突然被火灾警报惊醒了。)

4、When thefire alarm rang we assembled outside the emergency exit.(当火警信号响起时,我们都聚集到紧急出口外。)

5、A: Is thefire alarm working?(A:这个火警警报器好用吗?)

6、We lit out of the library when thefire alarm sounded.(火警声响了以后我们立即离开了图书馆。)

7、Who set off thefire alarm?(谁拉响了火警报警器?)

8、Then thefire alarm went off. I just grabbed my clothes and ran out.(之后火警响了,我只抓起衣服就跑了出去。)

9、The smoke sets off thefire alarm.(烟雾触发了火警报警器。)

10、If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off thefire alarm and have nothing to do but to wait.(如果你能理解这样一个滥俗的比喻:我们已经拉响了火警警报,接下来能做的只有等待。)

11、As I cooked, the smoke set off thefire alarm.(当我做饭时,烟引起了火警。)

12、Test thefire alarm system weekly.(进行每周的防火报警系统检测。)

13、fire alarm displays on bridge operational.(驾驶台火警显示工作。)

14、"Let's say there's a 911 call," he says. "thefire alarm goes off."(“比方说我们收到一个911报警电话”,他讲道,“火警警报突然拉响。”)

15、The lecture was curtailed by thefire alarm going off.(那次讲座被突然鸣响的火警中断了。)

16、Broadcasting will be repeated duringfire alarm and evacuation.(广播将在火警和疏散时重复播放。)

17、The proceedings were interrupted by thefire alarm.(会议的进程被火灾警报打断了。)

18、Megan smiled and went to the nearestfire alarm.(梅金笑了笑,走到了离他最近的警报旁边。)

19、Whenever you move to a new area, you should locate thefire alarm pull stations and the two exits nearest your room.(每当你搬去一个新的地方,都应该找到火灾警报器的位置和离你房间最近的两个出口通道。)

20、The floors of all campus buildings are equipped with manualfire alarm system.(所有校园建筑的楼层均装有手动火灾报警系统。)

21、Jack pulls thefire alarm and Cofell's elevator stops giving Jack time to dart down the stairwell.(杰克拉下了大楼的火警,拉菲尔乘坐的电梯停住了,这就使杰克有时间从楼梯井飞奔往下。)

22、Similarly, on hearing afire alarm many people do absolutely nothing.(同样的,一听到火灾警报,许多人是完全不为所动的。)

23、Replaced the AC filter, applied pest control spay, replacedfire alarm batteries, etc.(——换了空调过滤网,喷了杀虫药,给火灾报警器换了电池,等等。)

24、If thefire alarm is counted, all residents are requested to assemble in the courtyard.(如果算上了火警,请所有居民在院子里集合。)

25、The manualfire alarm systems includesfire alarm pull stations and pipes.(手动火灾报警系统包括了火警拉栓和管道。)

26、The vast majority of falsefire alarms are prank calls made anonymously fromfire alarm boxes on street corners.(绝大多数火灾误报都是用街角的消防报警箱匿名拨打的恶作剧电话。)

fire alarm 基本释义

fire alarm

英 [ˈfaiə əˈlɑ:m] 美 [faɪr əˈlɑrm] 

第三人称复数:fire alarms


fire alarm分字造句
