
the Ministry of Education

拼音 the Ministry of Education 怎么读

类型 英语造句

the Ministry of Education的造句


1、The study was carried out by Lawrence Lam of the School of Medicine in Sydney, Australia, and Peng Ziwen ofthe Ministr...

1、The study was carried out by Lawrence Lam of the School of Medicine in Sydney, Australia, and Peng Ziwen ofthe Ministry of Education and Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China.(此项研究是由澳大利亚悉尼医学院的劳伦斯·兰姆和教育部彭咨文(音译)以及中国广东中山大学合作完成。)

2、Matthew Granger, a spokesman for Oxfam International, said: "We have had no notification fromthe Ministry of Education or officials of any problem."(施乐会国际部发言人,MatthewGranger说:“我们没有接到教育部或其他部门任何有问题的通知。”)

3、Meanwhile, the number of secondary schools offering Mandarin classes, besides compulsory English, has ballooned from 154 in 1993 to 831 last year, according tothe Ministry of Education.(与此同时,从教育部得到的数字,提供汉语普通话课程的中学,强制开设英语课程的除外,从1993年的154所如同气球飞升般的达到了去年的831所。)

4、the Ministry of Education announced Sunday that 40 quake-stricken counties in Sichuan will postpone the College Entrance Examination with the new schedule dependant upon relief progress.(教育部表示,四川40个受震灾严重的县延期高考,具体考试时间视救灾情况另行确定。)

5、All the universities are owned by the government, so there isthe Ministry of Education in charge of creating the curriculum for the universities and so there is not much room for flexibility.(所有的大学都归政府所有,而且教育部负责为大学制定课程,所以没有太多的弹性空间。)

6、Meanwhile,the Ministry of Education published a circular last week urging universities to crack down on academic misconduct and to report all the cases they uncover.(与此同时,上周教育部发表了一份通告,敦促各大学严惩学术不当行为,并披露所有被隐瞒的案例。)

7、Based on the new course request of college English offered bythe Ministry of Education, there are some disadvantages of traditional English listening teaching.(根据教育部对各高校大学英语教学提出了新的课程要求,我国传统的大学英语听力教学存在一定的弊端。)

8、The lab houses 15 PCs provided bythe Ministry of Education. That's on top of the five computers already in the Calasan home--Marko's dad is also an IT systems manager.(教室里有马其顿教育部提供的15台PC,他自己家里则有5台电脑—Marko的爸爸也是一位IT系统经理。)

9、After the approval ofthe Ministry of Education, South China Normal University and East China Normal University set up audio-visual education degree, a four-year school system.(经教育部批准,华南师范大学、华东师范大学开设电化教育本科专业,学制四年。)

10、The major "Electronic Competitive Sports and Management" is listed among 13 new majors for vocational schools in China, according tothe Ministry of Education.(教育部近日公布了我国职业学校新增的13个专业,“电子竞技运动与管理”专业赫然在列。)

11、South Korea's first space rocket named Naro will be launched on August 11, saidthe Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, according to South Korean media.(据韩国媒体报道,韩国教育科学技术部表示,该国首枚运载火箭“罗老号”的发射日期定为8月11日。)

12、It was with such new challenges in mind thatthe Ministry of Education re-visited its mission and re-aligned its strategies to better prepare our people in time for the future.(鉴于这些新的挑战,教育部于是重新检讨目标和策略,为使我们的人民能够应付未来的挑战。)

13、Implementation guidelines for targets, teaching, activities, athletic training, and other items mentioned above shall be drafted bythe Ministry of Education.(前项各级学校体育之目标、教学、活动、选手培训及其他相关事项之实施办法,由教育部定之。)

14、However,the Ministry of Education correspondent to raids broke the news of peace, because the school has a "donkey water teacher" hidden secrets not to be divulged.(然而教育部特派员要来突击检查的消息打破了安宁,因为学校有一位“驴得水老师”隐藏着不可告人的秘密。)

15、the Ministry of Education of Japan carried on a new reform of standard of science curriculum of junior middle school in 1998.(1998年日本文部科学省(原文部省)对日本初中理科课程标准进行了新的改订,这是二战后日本初中理科课程标准的第六次改订。)

16、The courses and online classroom are provided bythe Ministry of Education.(这个课程和网络课堂都教育部提供的。)

17、In June,the Ministry of Education announced that institutes of higher education would be required to establish compulsory courses on college students' mental health.(今年6月,教育部下达通知称,各大高校将按要求设立有关大学生心理健康的必修课程。)

18、Peking University, which is the only college he applied for, said the decision was made in accordance with the regulations formulated bythe Ministry of Education.(北大是何川洋填报的唯一志愿。北大表示,招生办按照教育部的相关规定,做出了以上决定。)

19、Shanghai Jiao Tong University is a key university under the direct leadership ofthe Ministry of Education, and its predecessor is Nanyang Public School founded in 1896.(上海交通大学是教育部直属的全国重点大学,其前身创办于1896年的南洋工学。)

20、It is strongly advocated bythe Ministry of Education that web-based self-access learning should be integrated into College English courses.(教育部开始大力提倡将基于网络的自主学习融入大学英语课程。)

21、Early in February,the Ministry of Education issued a new regulation that colleges and universities should carry out a minimum of 14 days compulsory military training for freshmen.(今年二月初,教育部曾发布新规,要求各大高校必须针对大一新生开设军训必修课,且时间不得少于14天。)

22、In 2004,the Ministry of Education (MOE) issued a notice encouraging schools to forbid students from renting apartments outside their campuses.(2004年,教育部下发了一则呼吁学校禁止学生校外租房的通知。)

the Ministry of Education 基本释义

the Ministry of Education

the Ministry of Education分字造句
