
at random

拼音 at random 怎么读

类型 英语造句

at random的造句


1、Spores light enough to float on the breezes were carried thousands of miles from more ancient lands and depositedat ra...

1、Spores light enough to float on the breezes were carried thousands of miles from more ancient lands and depositedat random across the bare mountain flanks.(轻到能在微风中漂浮的孢子从更古老的地方被带到数千英里外,随意沉积在光秃秃的山侧。)

2、A small boy appears utterly confused as the ears twirl apparentlyat random above him.(一个小男孩看起来非常困惑,而他的耳朵在他上方随意地转动着。)

3、Note: The patterns I discuss in this article were chosenat random to address common tasks.(注意:本文中我所讨论的模式是为进行普通任务而随机选择的。)

4、Don't fireat random!(不要乱开枪!)

5、It is better to read a few books carefully than to read manyat random.(随便读许多书不如细细地读几本书。)

6、We're just going to raffle them off by selecting a few peopleat random.(我们只是要在随机抽奖中选择少数人赶走。)

7、Modern clock made of small plate pieces assembledat random.(用小碟片随意拼凑而成的时尚时钟。)

8、We received several answers, and we picked oneat random.(我们收到了好几个答案,就随机地拣选了一个。)

9、Pick oneat random and jump into it.(随机选择一个并且开始投入进去。)

10、The experimenter is back there with the speed knob andat random intervals, he just speeds up the tape of their heart and then slows it down.(实验者带着速度旋钮回到那里,在随机的时间间隔里,他只是给他们的心跳录音带加速,然后再减速。)

11、Picking one doorat random out of several, I walked into a broom cupboard.(我随意打开几扇门中的一扇,想走进去找自己要吃的东西,但里面却是一个放扫帚的储物柜。)

12、If the electrons are spinningat random, these fields cancel each other out.(如果电子随机地自转,各电子所产生的磁场会彼此抵消。)

13、Three people were killed by shots firedat random from a minibus.(三个人被一辆小巴里乱射的子弹打死了。)

14、The second parent is pickedat random from the parent population.(另一个双亲是随机地从双亲人群中挑选的。)

15、You cannot choose them bothat random.(你不可以都随机给它们取方向。)

16、The gunman's target was not chosenat random.(枪手的目标不是随意选择的。)

17、I sat down on the floor and pulled a few books off the shelfat random.(我坐在地上,从书架上随便拿了几本书。)

18、To connect things with other thingsat random?(还是任意的将不同的事物连接起来?)

19、The average stock pickedat random was up 3%, including dividends.(若将股息考虑在内,随机选择的股票平均涨幅都能有3%。)

20、Three weeks after 9/11, I chose three posters [ M2 ]at random and took them home.(在9·11恐怖事件过去三周之后,我选了三张海报带回家(如图2)。)

21、The idea for the experiment came from observing the birds using tools to pickat random objects, such as a picture of a spider that was printed on some cloth.(这个实验的想法来自于观察鸟类使用工具随机挑选物体,比如在一些布上印有蜘蛛的图片。)

22、This law abolished special educational requirements for federal jurors and required them to be selectedat random from a cross section of the entire community.(该法案废除了对联邦陪审员特定的受教育水平的要求,并要求联邦陪审员是随机选自全社会各阶层的。)

23、She picks a houseat random, and we go to the back.(她随便挑选了一座房子,我们走进了后院。)

24、Volunteers were assigned to be managers or subordinatesat random.(志愿者谁当经理谁作下属是随机安排的。)

25、Think of Zellweger, Banderas or Zeta-Jones, to take a fewat random.(像齐薇格,班德拉还有泽塔-琼斯,可都不是随便取的。)

26、The terrorists fired into the crowdat random.(恐怖分子胡乱地向人群开枪。)

27、Names were chosenat random from a list.(名字是从名单中随便点的。)

at random 基本释义

at random

英 [æt ˈrændəm] 美 [æt ˈrændəm] 

随便地; 任意地; 胡乱地

at random分字造句
