call off的造句
1、You can alsocall off an agreement you have with someone.(你也可以取消与某人达成的协议。)2、Pleasecall off the dog; it's barking at the...
1、You can alsocall off an agreement you have with someone.(你也可以取消与某人达成的协议。)
2、Pleasecall off the dog; it's barking at the children.(请把这条狗喝走;它在对着孩子们吠叫。)
3、Faced with insurmountable obstacles, the expedition leader had tocall off the whole operation.(面对无法克服的阻碍,远征队领队不得不取消整个行动。)
4、Or should Icall off your appointments for tomorrow too?(或者是我也帮你取消明天的约定?)
5、Rescuers had tocall off the search due to worsening weather.(由于天气越来越坏,救援人员只得停止搜索。)
6、They decided not tocall off the plan.(他们决定不取消这个计划。)
7、We had tocall off the party at our house this weekend because of a family emergency.(因为家里有急事,所以不得不取消本周末在我们家举行的聚会。)
8、So it's probably better if you don'tcall off my appointments.(所以你不要取消约定比较好。)
9、He refused tocall off the game simply because of the rain.(他拒绝仅仅因为下雨就取消比赛。)
10、After what had happened, we decided tocall off the scheduled meeting.(既然发生了那样的事情,我们决定取消那次预定的会议。)
11、You cancall off an event, like a party.(你可以取消一项活动,例如聚会。)
12、After returning to Hunan, Zhu wanted tocall off the publication of Lady Chatterley's Lover.(回到湖南后,朱正本想叫停《查太莱夫人的情人》的出版。)
13、In order tocall off the Scientology legal war, her publisher agreed to withdraw the book.(为了摆脱山达基的法律战,她的出版商同意撤下这本书。)
14、It's the leading man, however, who has made the most eloquent appeal to me ] tocall off the production.(就是那个男主角,然而,他发出强有力的呼吁,让我停止生产,这是在48页的中间。)
15、I just want to know when you are going tocall off the protest outside.(我只想知道,你们什么时候要结束抗争?)
16、Jack demands that Victorcall off the mission.(杰克要求维克托放话出去,取消营救他的行动。)
17、Rufus: Do you want me tocall off this wedding?(那你是希望我取消婚礼喽?)
18、Shall wecall off the meeting?(我们应该取消这次会议吗?)
19、There is no attempt tocall off the race.(没有取消比赛的意图。)
20、Since you can't reduce price, we mightcall off the deal as well.(你既然不能降价,那我们这笔生意不如拉倒吧。)
21、If it should rain tomorrow, we wouldcall off the game.(明天万一下雨,我们就取消比赛。)
22、Since the weather is bad, let'scall off the trip.(既是天气不好,那就不去了吧。)
23、If the bad weather should continue, we would have tocall off the match.(如果这种恶劣天气持续下去,我们就只好取消比赛了。)
24、Rescue teams had tocall off the search because of heavy fighting near the crash site in Savannakhet province.(由于萨凡纳赫特省坠机现场附近的激烈战斗,救援队不得不取消搜索。)
25、Find out what he plans tocall off.(找出他计划取消的事情。)
26、They wanted to get the workers tocall off the strike.(我们说服母亲去准备午餐。)
call off 基本释义
call off
英 [kɔ:l ɔf] 美 [kɔl ɔf]
取消; 把(注意力)转移开