

拼音 handsome 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、Who's thathandsome man?(那个英俊的男人是谁?)2、He washandsome, upright, and chivalrous.(他英俊、正直、对女士彬彬有礼。)3、He has grown into ahan...

1、Who's thathandsome man?(那个英俊的男人是谁?)

2、He washandsome, upright, and chivalrous.(他英俊、正直、对女士彬彬有礼。)

3、He has grown into ahandsome man.(他已长成一个英俊的男人。)

4、The yacht was ahandsome craft.(这条游艇是艘漂亮的船。)

5、"He used to be sohandsome."—"And now?"(“他过去曾经那么英俊。”—“那么现在呢?”)

6、He was tall, lean andhandsome.(他长得瘦高而英俊。)

7、That boy lookshandsome and healthy.(那男孩看上去英俊而健康。)

8、He grew into ahandsome boy.(他长成了一个帅男孩。)

9、Tom was in some ways a younger clone of hishandsome father.(汤姆在某些方面是他英俊父亲年轻时的翻版。)

10、She paid him ahandsome compliment.(她大大赞扬了他一番。)

11、He's the mosthandsome man I've ever met.(他是我见过的最俊美的男子。)

12、I used to be ahandsome boy.(我曾是一个帅气的男孩。)

13、He was fantasticallyhandsome – I just fell for him right away.(他帅极了–我对他简直就是一见钟情。)

14、He was ahandsome Donkey indeed!(他真是一头漂亮的驴子!)

15、Your boyfriend looks veryhandsome.(你的男朋友长得很英俊。)

16、With a wave of her magic wand, she changed the frog into ahandsome prince.(她魔杖一挥,把青蛙变成了英俊的王子。)

17、He washandsome, with a devilish charm.(他英俊漂亮,具有魔鬼般的迷惑力。)

18、The two of them made ahandsome couple.(这对夫妻男俊女靓。)

19、She starts to love thathandsome boy.(她开始爱上一个帅哥了。)

20、The house was sohandsome, with a lovely countrified garden.(这座房子很漂亮,带一个田园风情的可爱花园。)

21、He washandsome and strong, and very masculine.(他英俊强壮,富有男子汉气概。)

22、Is he not ahandsome lad?(他不是一个漂亮的小伙子吗?)

23、Hishandsome profile was turned away from us.(他英俊的侧面轮廓转离了我们。)

24、He's tall andhandsome.(他又高又帅。)

25、Are you meeting thathandsome boy tonight?(今晚你要见那个帅哥吗?)

26、She thinks you'rehandsome.(她觉得你很帅。)

27、Dad was generous andhandsome.(爸爸又大方又帅。)

28、Howhandsome the boy is!(多英俊的男孩啊!)

29、He's rich,handsome, funny, and his heart is in the right place.(他富有、英俊、风趣,而且心地善良。)

handsome 基本释义


英 [ˈhænsəm] 美 [ˈhænsəm] 

副词: handsomely 比较级: handsomer 最高级: handsomest 名词: handsomeness


