be nothing to的造句
1、In principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one day.(原则上,总会有一天,凡是人能做的事,机器...
1、In principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one day.(原则上,总会有一天,凡是人能做的事,机器就能做。)
2、There's nothing to be ashamed of.(这不是丢脸的事。)
3、He wanted nothing for himself but to be the humble servant of his country.(他自己别无他求,只想成为他祖国谦卑的仆人。)
4、There is nothing to be gained from delaying the decision.(推迟决定得不到任何好处。)
5、There was nothing else to be done.(没有别的办法了。)
6、The world is so big that nothing is to be surprised at.(世界之大,无奇不有。)
7、Without them, there wouldbe nothing to say to you today.(没有他们,也许就没有我今天要告诉你们的话。)
8、No place can be better than ours, and I have nothing to wish for!(世界上再也没有比我们这儿更好的地方了,我也没什么可奢求的了!)
9、If I would have 50 articles on it, it wouldbe nothing to clean it.(如果我有50篇文章在上面,没有任何东西能把它清除。)
10、He excites himself very easily and nothing must be said to irritate him.(他还是很容易激动的,千万别说刺激他的话。)
11、There is nothing to be gained by merely waiting.(光靠等待是什么也得不到的。)
12、For this very reason, nothing more than mascara has to be definitely waterproof.(出于这个原因,就没有什么比睫毛膏更需要防水的了。)
13、There's nothing to be afraid of.(没有什么要害怕的。)
14、There is absolutely nothing to be gained by feeling bitter.(感受痛苦绝对是毫无益处的。)
15、Our official response should be that this is nothing to do with us.(我们的官方回应应该是这与我们无关。)
16、The wisest course would be to say nothing.(最明智的对策是缄口不语。)
17、There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation.(没有比独自一人处于战斗环境中更可怕的事了。)
18、There is nothing to be afraid of.(没什么好怕的。)
19、It's all over. There's nothing to be afraid of now.(一切都结束了。现在没有什么可怕的了。)
20、Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.(精神病并不可羞愧。)
21、Now that the problem is solved, nothing remains to be said.(问题已经解决了,没什么说头儿了。)
22、There's nothing else remains to be done but to find it!(除了找到它,没有别的可做了!)
23、Nothing is meant to be.(没有什么是“注定”的。)
24、Then there wouldbe nothing to be written again.(那将没有任何东西能再被覆写一次。)
25、There is nothing to be ashamed of.(没有什么可难为情的。)
26、It may well be just a rumor and maybe nothing to get upset about.(也许仅仅是不靠谱的事情,大可不必为此大为不安!)
27、He winked his eyes; now there was nothing to be seen.(他眨了眨眼睛;现在他什么也没看见。)
28、There is really nothing to be done.(实在没有什么可做的。)
be nothing to 基本释义
be nothing to
英 [bi: ˈnʌθiŋ tu:] 美 [bi ˈnʌθɪŋ tu]
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