
be accustomed to

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类型 英语造句

be accustomed to的造句


1、You maybe accustomed to having a sense of security based on the stability of predictable interactions with people clos...

1、You maybe accustomed to having a sense of security based on the stability of predictable interactions with people close to you.(当与靠近你的人有了可预见性的互动的稳定性之后,你会渐渐适应,并有了安全感。)

2、However, it is envisaged that users willbe accustomed to online crowdfunding and million-dollar deals will eventually be a common occurrence.(然而,总有一天用户们会习惯在线众筹,那么百万美元的交易最终也将成为平常事。)

3、Turkey maybe accustomed to frequent terrorist attacks — a recent bombing at a soccer stadium in central Istanbul killed dozens — but Germany is not.(土耳其或许已经习惯频繁遭到恐怖袭击——最近在伊斯坦布尔中心的一个足球场发生的爆炸又导致几十人死亡——但德国并非如此。)

4、They have to learn how tobe accustomed to a new environment and how to get along with the teachers and classmates.(他们要学会如何适应新的环境,如何与老师和同学相处。)

5、The staff in the company can help new membersbe accustomed to the life there.(公司的工作人员会帮助新进成员习惯那里的生活。)

6、She shouldbe accustomed to fierce characters.(她应习惯于激烈的字符。)

7、So, in order tobe accustomed to this environment and meet the uesers' demands, the academic libraries should make efforts to construct the network information resources.(作为信息交流中心和集散地的高校图书馆都在积极寻求一条整体化建设道路来实现文献信息资源共享。)

8、However, the visitor may notbe accustomed to seeing public telephones outside along the street or road.(不过,游客也许不习惯马路边上的公用电话。)

9、The Mexican are said tobe accustomed to holding back their emotions.(据说墨西哥人习惯抑制他们的感情。)

10、In the warm lands every window has a balcony, and the people came out on all the balconies in the street for one must have air, even if onebe accustomed to be mahogany!(在这些街上所有的阳台上面——在热带的国家里,每个窗子上都有一个阳台——现在都有人走出来了,因为人们到底要呼吸些新鲜空气,即使要变成桃花心木的颜色也管不了。)

11、The Mexicans are said tobe accustomed to holding back their emotions.(据说墨西哥人惯于控制其情感。)

12、You'llbe accustomed to it maybe after three or four months.(或许过三四个月你就会习惯的。)

13、He has just sat dully in the pavilion for three days, the horse outside the pavilion was impatiently tapped the shoe umpteenth: it maybe accustomed to the owner's so long time meditation.(他在长亭中已枯坐了三天,亭外的马儿已无数次不耐烦地踢跶着蹄:它可不习惯主人这么久的静坐。)

14、Butbe accustomed to hearing more than you can share with others.(但是习惯于听到更多的你可以与他人分享。)

15、No sooner had he reached France than he found it very difficult tobe accustomed to the life there. So half year later, he returned to the motherland where he was raised.(他一到法国就发现很难适应那里的生活,所以半年以后他毅然回到了曾经养育他的祖国。)

16、This search results page is also different than what you maybe accustomed to from the other support pages.(搜索结果页面也不同于您所熟悉的其他支持页面。)

17、While GAE does have some rules that you might notbe accustomed to, like the 30-second request-response guideline, it also provides mechanisms for handling them, like asynchronous queues.(虽然GAE确实有一些您可能不习惯的规则,如30秒请求—响应准则,但是它也为处理这些规则提供了机制,如异步队列。)

18、More and more people willbe accustomed to it.(越来越多的人会习惯于它。)

19、Although business users may notbe accustomed to release management concepts, they shouldn't be allowed to make changes all the time.(虽然业务用户可能不习惯于发布管理概念,但不允许他们在任何时间做出更改。)

20、So we should be good from now on is to make good conduct necessary to become a habit, so that our excellent behaviorbe accustomed to, become our second nature.(所以我们要变得优秀从现在起就要把优秀所必须的品行变成一种习惯,使我们的优秀行为习以为常,变成我们的第二天性。)

21、Probably, so you have to train hard tobe accustomed to the competing arrangements.(很可能,你要努力训练以适应比赛的需要。)

22、You willbe accustomed to the situation.(你会习惯这个环境的。)

23、With RHEL5 networking, you also have the standard UNIX commands you should alreadybe accustomed to, such as route, the netstat commands, and other utilities like ping and traceroute.(对于RHEL5网络,您还可以使用应该已经习惯了的标准UNIX命令,例如route、netstat命令,以及诸如ping和traceroute等其他实用工具。)

24、In other words, nothing is taken away from the bookmark/starring/tagging UIs that you may alreadybe accustomed to.(换句话说,您已经熟悉的bookmark/starring/taggingUI没有任何损失。)

25、Web authors mightbe accustomed to specifying target="_new" to specify that a link opens in a new window.(Web程序开发员可能已经习惯了用target="_new"规定链接打开新的窗口。)

be accustomed to 基本释义

be accustomed to

英 [bi: əˈkʌstəmd tu:] 美 [bi əˈkʌstəmd tu] 

动词习惯于; 习以为常

be accustomed to分字造句
