buy off的造句
1、It rarely makes sense to buy at that high a price for them to be satisfied with being paid off only at par (the full v...
1、It rarely makes sense to buy at that high a price for them to be satisfied with being paid off only at par (the full value of the bond).(以这么高的价格买进,让他们满足于只按票面价值(债券的全部价值)偿付,几乎没有什么意义。)
2、Smaller corporations tend tobuy off-the-shelf packages and their it staff may be limited to network administrators.(而小一点儿的公司大多购买现成的软件包,他们的IT职员也只局限于网络管理员。)
3、If you wannabuy off me, then you're wrong.(如果你想收买我,恐怕你找错了人。)
4、They tried in vain tobuy off the opposition.(他们试图出钱使反对意见撤回,但没有成功。)
5、People will be able to buy securities that pay off based on changes in their medical expenses, or they will be able to buy insurance against a reduction in their home value.(人们将会根据其医疗开支购买有所报偿的股票证券,或者他们将能够购买保险以对冲其家产的减值。)
6、I want tobuy off the customs officers.(我想买通海关官员。)
7、And second of all, he believes he canbuy off parliament.(其次,尤素福认为他可以收买议会。)
8、We arrive in Penang mid morning and, as it is one of the cheaper places in Asia to buy electrical goods, I head off to buy another laptop.(我们在上午到达槟榔屿市,这里是整个亚洲购买电器最便宜的地方,所以我去买了一台笔记本电脑。)
9、Get a 20% off on any book you buy at the Wonderland store.(你在仙境书店买的书都可以打八折。)
10、It is cheaper tobuy off foes with food and gifts.(用食物和礼物收买敌人要划算多了。)
11、You canbuy off him.(你可以买通他。)
12、But he canbuy off the referee according to his economic strength, so he can win in the field of boxing as well.(按泰森的经济实力,他可以收买裁判的,一样他可以得到拳场上的“胜利”。)
13、And it makes little sense for free-traders to use taxes tobuy off people from voting for protectionism, when doing so would in any case be against their interests.(而且支持自由贸易的人通过税收体系花钱收买投票支持保护主义的人也是毫无道理的,无论如何都违背了自己的利益。)
14、It is not foolproof: not even the rich canbuy off all hazards, and rich countries and individuals will make poor decisions.(这并不简单:即使是富裕国家也无法用钱弥补所有伤害,而且,富裕的国家和个人会作出差劲的决定。)
15、You can simply buy a Cube Sat kit off the shelf.(你可以从货架上直接买到一套立方体卫星设备。)
16、We will likely see third-party components from these vendors that customers canbuy off-the-shelf and incorporate into the chassis.(我们将很有可能看到客户大量采购这些厂商的第三方组件,然后将其整合至机架中。)
17、Buy one, get the second one half off.(第二份半价。)
18、We buy them cheaply and then flog them off at a profit.(我们低价买下这些,然后卖出获利。)
19、The thief tried tobuy off the policeman, but he didn't succeed.(这贼企图贿赂警察,但他未达到目的。)
20、Yesterday he went off to buy himself a brand-new car.(昨天他去给自己买了一辆崭新的车。)
21、Come, let's get off this roof and I will buy you a milkshake.(来,让我们从屋顶上下去,我给你买一杯奶昔。)
buy off 基本释义
buy off
英 [bai ɔf] 美 [baɪ ɔf]
出钱摆脱; 向 ... 行贿; 收买