
accustomed to

拼音 accustomed to 朗读怎么读

类型 英语造句

accustomed to的造句


1、Mary Jo is stillaccustomed to travelling everywhere in style.(玛丽·乔仍然习惯于很有气派地到处旅行。)2、We spend a large part of our daily...

1、Mary Jo is stillaccustomed to travelling everywhere in style.(玛丽·乔仍然习惯于很有气派地到处旅行。)

2、We spend a large part of our daily life talking with other people and, consequently, we are veryaccustomed to the art of conversing.(我们在日常生活中花了大量的时间与他人交谈,因此,我们非常熟悉交谈的艺术。)

3、A cave bat, which regularly lives on a hard stone ceiling, is more careful about its landing preparation than a bat moreaccustomed to landing in leafy treetops.(洞穴蝙蝠通常生活在坚硬的石头天花板上,它比习惯降落在枝叶繁茂的树梢上的蝙蝠要更小心地做好着陆准备。)

4、He likes the stocks and he isaccustomed to trading in and out of its shares.(他喜欢股票,习惯于买进卖出它的股份。)

5、The availability of jobs in railway construction attracted many rural laborersaccustomed to seasonal and temporary employment.(铁路建设方面的就业机会也吸引了许多习惯于季节性和临时性工作的农村劳动力。)

6、"Don't come so near me," said the garter, "I am notaccustomed to it."(“不要走得离我太近!”袜带说,“我不习惯这样。”)

7、They'reaccustomed to the rigours of army life.(他们已习惯了军旅生活的艰辛。)

8、In traditional classes, students wereaccustomed to taking in whatever their teachers taught them.(在传统课堂上,学生们习惯于接受老师教授的一切东西。)

9、State governments are wellaccustomed to managing forests, but traditionally they've focused on wildlife, watersheds and opportunities for recreation.(州政府已经习惯了管理森林,但传统上他们关注的是野生动物、集水区和娱乐机会。)

10、The old generations who areaccustomed to everything of the past are hostile to change.(习惯了过去的一切的老一代人反对改变。)

11、She was a personaccustomed to having eight hours' sleep a night.(她是那种习惯每晚睡八个小时的人。)

12、Heidi slept very well in her chimney corner, but it took her many days to getaccustomed to it.(海蒂在她烟囱角落里的床上睡得很好,但是她花了很多天才习惯。)

13、The creation of a labor force that wasaccustomed to working in factories did not occur easily.(培养一批习惯在工厂工作的劳动力并不容易。)

14、Ronald and Lois are only children, and "onlies" grow upaccustomed to being the apple of their parents' eyes.(罗纳德和露易丝是独生子女,“独生子女”长大时习惯于做父母的掌上明珠。)

15、I amaccustomed to a spare diet.(我习惯于简单的饮食。)

16、My eyes slowly grewaccustomed to the dark.(我的眼睛慢慢适应了黑暗。)

17、Martha gave her hand a clumsy little shake, as if she was notaccustomed to this sort of thing either.(玛莎笨拙地轻轻摇了一下她的手,似乎她也不习惯这种事。)

18、By offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry longaccustomed to a seasonal pace.(Cline称,这些品牌通过超低价销售流行单品,破坏了时尚周期,动摇了所有产业随季节变化的步伐。)

19、My eyes were becomingaccustomed to the gloom and I was able to make out a door at one side of the room.(我的双眼逐渐适应了这种昏暗,能够看到那个房间的一侧有一扇门。)

20、We areaccustomed to such a self.(我们习惯这样自嘲。)

21、He isaccustomed to hard work.(他习惯于做艰苦的工作。)

22、The old couple,accustomed to country life, were unwilling to move to the city to live with their son.(那对老夫妇习惯了乡村的生活,不愿意搬到城里和儿子住在一起。)

23、I wasaccustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults.(我习惯了作为惟一的孩子坐在满是成年人的桌旁。)

24、Bill isaccustomed to sitting down and reading the paper or watching TV until dinner is ready.(比尔习惯于在晚饭准备好之前坐下来看报或看电视。)

25、accustomed to seeing As and Bs on high school report cards, they may be upset when their children's first semester college grades are below that level.(他们习惯于在孩子的高中成绩单上看到A和B,所以当他们的孩子大学第一学期的成绩低于这个水平时,他们可能会感到不安。)

26、Some are soaccustomed to pigging out, they can't cut back.(有些人习惯暴饮暴食了,他们不可能缩减食量。)

27、In the saloon, he drank whisky and let his eyes becomeaccustomed to the dimness.(在酒馆里,他喝了威士忌,双眼也变得适应昏暗。)

28、The greatest gap, however, is between the Net-generation, familiar with personal computers and the Internet, and the older generation,accustomed to an industrial society.(然而,最大的差距存在于熟悉个人电脑和互联网的网络一代与习惯于工业社会的老一代之间。)

29、Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grewaccustomed to gaslit houses and even streets.(煤气可与烟雾缭绕的油灯和摇曳不定的蜡烛相媲美,在新世纪之初,富裕的伦敦人逐渐习惯了有煤气照明的房子,甚至街道。)

accustomed to 基本释义

accustomed to

accustomed to分字造句
